Gojira Tuska 2023

Gojiran Joe Duplantier nimeää seuraavan merkkipaalun metalli-genrelle yhtyeen olympialaisten avajaisten esiintymisen jälkeen

Kirjoittanut Kasper Piippo - 29.10.2024

Ranskalainen Gojira teki metallimusiikin historiaa viime kesänä olemalla genren historian ensimmäinen yhtye, joka esiintyi olympialaisissa. Metallin kuuntelijat ympäri maailman ovat olleet yhtä mieltä, että tämä oli suuri saavutus genren näkyvyyden puolesta ja myös itse Gojira-yhtye on tiedostanut tämän. Yhtyeen laulaja-kitaristi Joe Duplantier vieraili hiljattain Full Metal Jackie -radiokanavan lähetyksessä, jossa suoritetussa haastattelussa puhuttiin paljon Gojiran saavutuksista.

”There was a lot going through my head. That was probably the most epic production we’ve ever had. Just the fact that there was hundreds of people with us singing and playing classical instruments and these flames. Then there’s the meaning of this building and all this heresy put together by the French organizers of the event.I have to say, we were very, very, very lucky to be invited. We were lucky that the Olympics were organized by France during our lifetime in our career at a moment where we’re active and still not too old to perform, not too young. It was perfect.I don’t know how to explain it, the fact that we’re getting so much credit after this Olympics. But I have to say we got really lucky to be invited. I’m very, very thankful that to be put on that stage at this moment. We’re not responsible for all of it, but for some of it.And we were very free to write whatever we wanted for that song and to interpret that classic of the French Revolution. So the stars were aligned for a great day and for a great impact, for a great cherry on the cake on our entire career.” Joe Duplantier

Kenties erikoisimpana nostona haastattelusta nousee aihe, mikä voisi olla Duplantierin mielestä seuraava saavutus metallimusiikille heidän esiintymisensä jälkeen. Duplantierilla onkin selkeä idea siitä, mikä se voisi olla ja missä voisi parantaa heidän saavutuksestaan.

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”I’d love to see Meshuggah at the Super Bowl. Oh my God, if we’re going to talk about Super Bowl, they need to put Metallica on. I think Metallica belongs in the Halftime performance of the Super Bowl. It’s a shame that they were never invited. That would make sense. I hope we will get to see that. Playing ”Master of Puppets” and ”Enter Sandman.” Imagine that! Metallica is known in the sports world. A lot of pitchers walk to the mound with ”Enter Sandman” or at football games I hear a lot, their music is very present. They just deserve to do the halftime. It would be a total success.” Joe Duplantier