Gone Is Gone (Mastodon, Queens Of The Stone Age) julkaisi uuden musiikkivideon kappaleelleen ”Phantom Limb”
Yhdysvaltalainen, progressiivista rockia esittävä superyhtye Gone Is Gone julkaisi musiikkivideon kappaleelleen ”Phantom Limb”. Yhtyeeseen kuuluvat basisti/vokalisti Troy Sanders (Mastodon), kitaristi Troy Van Leeuwen (Queens Of The Stone Age), rumpali Tony Hajjar (At The Drive-In) sekä kitaristi Mike Zarin. Troy Sanders kertoo:
“‘Phantom Limb‘ is a tale of seek and find. The song explores a cause of sensation and is inspired by one’s ability to overcome what was once there. We shot this in one beautiful day amongst the ruins of Fort Dade on the isolated island of Egmont Key in the Gulf of Mexico. It was filmed with our good friends at Newmerica, which was once again a most pleasurable experience.”
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