Where have they gone? – Katsaus Ruotsin black/ death metallin historiaan

Kirjoittanut Riku Mäkinen - 10.8.2014

KansikuvaSanotaan, että Ruotsin black/ death metal skene eli kulta-aikaansa 90-luvulla, ja toki tuolloin julkaistiin tukku äänitteitä, jotka ovat jääneet historian kirjoihin aikansa klassikkoina. Kaaoszine teki oman katsauksensa länsinaapurin historiaan ja listasi yhtyeitä, jotka ovat olleet omalta osaltaan vaikuttamassa skenessä viime vuosituhannella/ vuosituhannen vaihteessa, ja ovat sitä kautta jääneet omiin muistoihimme elämään. Lista on koostettu yhtyeistä, jotka ovat joko virallisesti hajonneet tai joilta ei vaihtoehtoisesti ole tullut uutta julkaisua sen verran pitkään aikaan, että yhtyeen tämän hetkinen tila on sen takia epäselvä. Lue lisää nähdäksesi toimituksen läpileikkaus ruotsalaisen black/ death metallin historiaan.

Bathory (1983–2004):Quorthon

Scandinavian Metal Attack (Split 1984)
Bathory (Full-length 1984)
Scandinavian Metal Attack II (Split 1985)
The Return…… (Full-length 1985)
Under the Sign of the Black Mark (Full-length 1987)
Blood Fire Death (Full-length 1988)
Hammerheart (Full-length 1990)
Twilight of the Gods (Full-length 1991)
Jubileum Volume I (Compilation 1992)
Jubileum Volume II Compilation 1993)
Requiem (Full-length 1994)
Octagon (Full-length 1995)
Blood on Ice (Full-length 1996)
Jubileum Volume III (Compilation 1998)
Katalog (Compilation 2001)
Destroyer of Worlds (Full-length 2001)
Nordland I (Full-length 2002)
Nordland II (Full-length 2003)
Nordland I & II (Compilation 2004)
In Memory of Quorthon (Boxed set 2006)
In Memory of Quorthon Volume I (Compilation 2006)
In Memory of Quorthon Volume II (Compilation 2006)
In Memory of Quorthon Volume III (Compilation 2006)

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Bathory – ”The Woodwoman”

Ophthalamia (1989-1998):Ophthalamia

A Long Journey (Demo 1991)
Journey To Darkness (Demo 1992)
A Journey in Darkness (Full-length 1994)
Via Dolorosa (Full-length 1995)
To Elishia (Compilation 1997)
A Long Journey (Full-length 1998)
Dominion (Full-length 1998)

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Ophthalamia – ”Black as Sin, Pale as Death / Autumn Whispers”

Bewitched (1995-?):Bewitched-logo

Hellspell (Demo 1995)
Diabolical Desecration Full-length 1996)
Encyclopedia of Evil (EP 1996)
Pentagram Prayer (Full-length 1997)
Hell Comes to Essen (Live album 1998)
At the Gates of Hell (Full-length 1999)
Diabolical Desecration/ Encyclopedia of Evil (Compilation 2002)
Rise of the Antichrist (Full-length 2002)
Atrocities in A-Minor (EP 2004)
Spiritual Warfare (Full-length 2006)

Bewitched – ”Hard as Steel (Hot as Hell)”

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Diabolical Masquerade (1993-2004):Diabolical Masquerade-Ravendusk in my heart

Promo 1993 (Demo 1993)
Ravendusk in My Heart (Full-length 1996)
The Phantom Lodge (Full-length 1997)
Nightwork (Full-length 1998)
Death’s Design (Full-length 2001)

Diabolical Masquerade – ”Blackheim’s Forest Kept The Seasons Forever”

Dissection (1989-2006):

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The Grief Prophecy (Demo 1991)
Into Infinite Obscurity (Demo 1991)
The Somberlain (Demo 1992)
Promo ’93 (Demo 1993)
The Somberlain (Full-length 1993)Dissection
Storm of the Light’s Bane Rough Mix (Demo 1995)
Storm of the Light’s Bane (Full-length 1995)
Where Dead Angels Lie (EP 1996)
Live & Plugged Vol. 2 (Split video 1997)
The Past Is Alive (The Early Mischief) (Compilation 1997)
Live Legacy (Live album 2003)
Maha Kali (Single 2004)
Promo 2005 (Demo 2005)
Reinkaos (Full-length 2006)
Starless Aeon (Single 2006)
Rebirth of Dissection (Video 2006)
Live in Stockholm 2004 (Live album 2009)
Live Rebirth (Live album 2010)

Dissection – ”Soulreaper”

Mörk Gryning (1993-2005):Mörk Gryning-Tusen år har gått

Demo (Demo 1993)
Demo ’94 (Demo 1994)
Tusen år har gått… (Full-length 1995)
Return Fire (Full-length 1997)
Maelstrom Chaos (Full-length 2001)
Pieces of Primal Expressionism (Full-length 2003)
2005 Demo (Demo 2005)
Mörk Gryning (Full-length 2005)

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Mörk Gryning – ”Journey”

Throne Of Ahaz (1991-1996):Throne Of Ahaz-Nifelheim

At the Mountains of Northern Storms (Demo 1992)
Nifelheim (Full-length 1995)
On Twilight Enthroned (Full-length 1996)

Throne Of Ahaz – ”The Calling Blaze”

Edge Of Sanity (1989-2003):

Euthanasia (Demo 1989)
Kur-Nu-Gi-A (Demo 1990)
The Dead (Demo 1990)
The Immortal Rehearsals (Demo 1990)
Nothing But Death Remains (Full-length 1991)
Dead but Dreaming (Demo 1992)Edge Of Sanity
Unorthodox (Demo 1992)
Unorthodox (Full-length 1992)
Lost (Demo 1993)
Darkday (Demo 1993)
The Spectral Sorrows Demos (Demo 1993)
The Spectral Sorrows (Full-length 1993)
Until Eternity Ends (EP 1994)
Purgatory Afterglow (Full-length 1994)
Infernal Demos (Demo 1996)
Crimson (Full-length 1996)
Infernal (Full-length 1997)
Cryptic (Full-length 1997)
Evolution (Compilation 1999)
Crimson II (Full-length 2003)
When All Is Said: The Best of Edge of Sanity (Compilation 2006)
Kur-Nu-Gi-A (Compilation 2012)

Edge Of Sanity – ”Lost”

Sacramentum (1990-2001):Sacramentum-logo

Sedes Impiorum (Demo 1993)
Finis Malorum (EP 1994)
Far Away from the Sun (Full-length 1996)
The Coming of Chaos (Full-length 1997)
Thy Black Destiny (Full-length 1999)
Abyss of Time (Compilation 2008)

Sacramentum – ”When Night Surrounds Me”

Non Serviam (1995-?):Non Serviam-Between light and darkness

Between Light And Darkness (Demo 1996)
Between Light and Darkness (Full-length 1997)
The Witches Sabbath (Demo 1997)
The Witches Sabbath – The Second Vision (Demo 1997)
Necrotical (Full-length 1998)
Play God (Single 2000)
The Witches Sabbath (Compilation 2000)

Non Serviam – ”Temptation of Blood”

The Ancient’s Rebirth (1992-1999):The Ancient's Rebirth-Drain the portal in blood

Twisted Tales of the Crucified (Demo 1992)
Culte de Diabolos (Demo 1993)
Below the Nocturnal Skies (Demo 1994)
Of Wrath (Demo 1994)
Drain the Portal in Blood! (Full-length 1996)
Damnated Hell’s Arrival (EP 1998)

The Ancient’s Rebirth – ”Oceans of Blood Over Paradise”

Thy Primordial (1994-2005):OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

De Mörka Makters Alla (Demo 1994)
Svart Gryning (Demo 1995)
Kristallklar Vinternatt (EP 1996)
Where Only the Seasons Mark the Paths of Time (Full-length 1997)
Under Iskall Trollmåne (Full-length 1998)
At the World of Untrodden Wonder (Full-length 1999)
The Heresy of an Age of Reason (Full-length 2000)
The Crowning Carnage (Full-length 2002)
Pestilence upon Mankind (Full-length 2004)

Thy Primordial – ”The Conquest”

Swordmaster (1993-2000):Swordmaster-logo

Blackened Might (Demo 1994)
Studio Rehearsal (Demo 1994)
Promo Tape 3 (Demo 1995)
Wraths of Time (EP 1995)
Blood Must Be Shed / Wraths of Time (Split 1996)
Postmortem Tales (Full-length 1997)
Deathraider (EP 1998)
Moribund Transgoria (Full-length 1999)

Swordmaster – ”Wraths of Time”

Necroplasma (1996-?):Necroplasma-logo

The Cold of the Uncaring Moon (Demo 1999)
Black Funeral Horns (Demo 2000)
Obscurial Death (EP 2001)
Neodawn Productions Germania – Label Promo Sampler #2, Summer 2001 (Split 2001)
Demo 2001 Demo (2001)
Glory of the Ancient Gods (Split 2002)
My Hearse, My Redemption (Full-length 2002)
Pure Necrodarkness (Split 2002)
4 Spears in God’s Ribs (Split 2003)
X Corona Bestia Vox Vocis (Demo 2005)
Storm of the Shallow Voices (Split 2005)
Gospels of Antichristian Terror (Compilation 2006)
Satanic Butchery (Split 2006)
Sit Gloria Domini In Saecvlvm (Full-length 2006)

Necroplasma – ”Abyssic Infernum”

War (1995-1999):War-We are war

Total War (EP 1997)
We Are War (Full-length 1999)
We Are… Total War (Compilation 2001)

War – ”Total War”

Dismember (1988-2011):

Dismembered (Demo 1988)
Last Blasphemies (Demo 1989)
Rehearsal Demo ’89 (Demo 1989)
Reborn in Blasphemy Demo 1990)
Like an Ever Flowing Stream (Full-length 1991)Dismember
Skin Her Alive (Single 1991)
Pieces (EP 1992)
Indecent and Obscene (Full-length 1993)
Dream II (Split 1995)
Casket Garden (EP 1995)
Massive Killing Capacity (Full-length 1995)
Misanthropic (EP 1997)
Death Metal (Full-length 1997)
Hate Campaign (Full-length 2000)
Where Ironcrosses Grow (Full-length 2004)
Live Blasphemies (Video 2004)
Complete Demos (Compilation 2005)
The God That Never Was (Full-length 2006)
Dismember (Full-length 2008)
Under Blood Red Skies (Video 2009)

Dismember – ”Override of the Overture”

Damnation (1989-?):Damnation-Destructo Evangelia

Divine Darkness (Demo 1994)
Insulter of Jesus Christ! (EP 2004)
Destructo Evangelia (Full-length 2004)

Damnation – ”The Dark Divine”

In Aeternum (1994-?):

The Pale Black Death (Demo 1996)
And Darkness Came (EP 1997)
Forever Blasphemy (Full-length 1999)
Demon Possession (EP 1999)In Aeternum-logo
The Pestilent Plague (Full-length 2000)
Past and Present Sins (Compilation 2001)
Nuclear Armageddon (Full-length 2003)
Beast of the Pentagram (EP 2003(
Covered in Hell – European Tour Edition (Single 2004)
No Salvation (EP 2004)
Dawn of a New Aeon (Full-length 2005)
Curse of Devastation (EP 2007)

In Aeternum – ”Of Unhallowed Blood”

Immemoreal (1993-2005):Immemoreal

Winterbreeze (Demo 1995)
The Age Nocturne (Demo 1998)
Towards 1347 (Demo 1999)
Hymns to the Fallen III (Split 2000)
Temple of Retribution (Full-length 2001)

Immemoreal – ”A Nightmare Scenario”

Sorhin (1993-?):

Svarta själars vandring (Demo 1993)
I fullmånens dystra sken (Demo 1994)
Skogsgriftens rike (EP 1996)Sorhin-I det glimrande mörkrets djup
Arte de Occulta (Split 1996)
Skogsgriftens Rike / From The Mist Of Dark Waters (Split 1996)
I det glimrande mörkrets djup (Full-length 1997)
Åt fanders med ljusets skapelser (EP 1997)
Döden MCMXCVIII (EP 1998)
Apokalypsens ängel (Full-length (2000)
To Give Death by the Sword of Christ! (Split 2002)
Förbannade år 1993-2001 (Boxed set 2008)

Sorhin – ”När Helvetet Kallar”

In Battle (1996-?):In Battle-The rage of northmen

In Battle (Full-length 1997)
The Rage of the Northmen (Full-length 1999)
Soul Metamorphosis (EP 2004)
Welcome to the Battlefield (Full-length 2004)
Kingdom of Fear (Full-length 2007)

In Battle – ”The Spectre of Hate”

Inverted (1991-1998):Inverted

Tales of Estaban (Demo 1991)
Heaven Defied (Demo 1992)
Revocation of the Beast (EP 1994)
Empire of Darkness (Single 1994)
The Shadowland Full-length 1996)
Sorrow of the Burning Wasteland / Diabolical Ceremonies (Split 1996)
There Can Be Only One… (Full-length 1997)

Inverted – ”Longing for Darker Times”

Malign (1994-?):Maign-Fireborn

Demo 1/95 (Demo 1995)
Live in Uppsala (Demo 1996)
Fireborn (EP 1998)
Divine Facing (EP 2002)
Divine Facing / Fireborn (Compilation 2005)

Malign – ”Fireborn”

Prophanity (1991-?):

Demo #1 (Demo 1994)
Messenger of the Northern Warrior Host (Demo 1994)
I vargens tecken (EP 1995)Prophanity
The Battleroar (Demo 1997)
Hymns to the Fallen (Split 1998)
Stronger Than Steel (Full-length 1998)
Hymns to the Fallen II (Split 1999)

Prophanity – ”Walking Through Fire”

Abyssos (1995-?):Abyssos-Together we summon the dark

Wherever the Witches Might Fly (Demo 1996)
Together We Summon the Dark (Full-length 1997)
Fhinsthanian Nightbreed (Full-length 1999)

Abyssos – ”Banquet in the Dark”

Morbid (1985-1988):

Rehearsal 07/08/1987 (Demo 1987)Morbid
Rehearsaldemo (Demo 1987)
December Moon (Demo 1987)
Last Supper… (Demo 1988)
Death Execution (Compilation 1995)
Live in Stockholm (Live album 2000)
Death Execution III (EP 2001)
Ancient Morbidity (EP 2010)
Year of the Goat (Compilation 2011)

Morbid – ”From the Dark”

Deathwitch (1995-2005):Deathwitch-logo

Triumphant Devastation (Full-length 1996)
Dawn of Armageddon (Full-length 1997)
The Ultimate Death (Full-length 1998)
Monumental Mutilations Full-length 1999)
Deathfuck Rituals (Full-length 2002)
Violence Blasphemy Sodomy (Full-length 2004)

Deathwitch – ”Flag of Black Death”

Necromicon (1993-2000):Necromicon-Realm of silence

When the Sun Turns Black (Demo 1994)
Through the Gates of Grief (Demo 1994)
Realm of Silence (Full-length 1996)
Sightveiler (Full-length 1998)
Peccata Mundi (Full-length 2000)

Necromicon – ”Ages Unfold”

Pan.Thy.Monium (1990-1996):Pan Thy Monium-Dawn of dreams

…..Dawn (Demo 1990)
Dawn of Dreams (Full-length 1992)
Dream II (EP 1992)
Khaooohs (Full-length 1993)
Dream II (Split 1995)
Khaooohs & Kon-Fus-Ion (Full-length 1996)
…Dawn / Dream II (Compilation 2010)

Pan.Thy.Monium – ”Untitled 6”

Zavorash (1996-?):Zavorash-In odium veritas

Za Vorbashtar Raz Shapog (Demo 1997)
In Odium Veritas (Demo 1998)
In Odium Veritas 1996-2002 (Compilation 2003)
Nihilistic Ascension & Spiritual Death (Full-length 2006)

Zavorash – ”In Odium Veritas”

Cemetary (1989-2005):

Incarnation of Morbidity (Demo 1991)
In Articulus Mortis (Demo 1991)
Where the Rivers of Madness Stream / The Funeral (Demo 1992)
An Evil Shade of Grey (Full-length 1992)Cemetary-An evil shade of grey
Godless Beauty (Full-length 1993)
Black Vanity (Full-length 1994)
Sundown (EP 1995)
Welcome to the Black Mark Festivals ’95 (Split 1995)
Sundown (Full-length 1996)
Last Confessions (Full-length 1997)
Sweetest Tragedies (Compilation 1999)
Phantasma (Full-length 2005)

Cemetary – ”Where the Rivers of Madness Stream”

Bloodshed (1999-2008):Bloodshed

Laughter of Destruction (Demo 1999)
Skullcrusher (EP 2001)
Inhabitants of Dis (Full-length 2002)
Blade Eleventh (EP 2005)
Stale Cold Cell Recital (Full-length 2007)

Bloodshed – ”Death by Hanging”

Maze Of Torment (1995-?):Maze of torment-logo

The Force (Full-length 1997)
Faster Disaster (Full-length 1998)
Death Strikes (Full-length 2000)
Maze Bloody Maze (Single 2002)
The Unmarked Graves (Full-length 2003)
Brave the Blizzard (Single 2004)
Hammers of Mayhem (Full-length 2005)
Hidden Cruelty (Full-length 2007)

Maze Of Torment – ”Horror Visions”

Ancient Wisdom (1993-?):Ancient Wisdom-For snow covered the northland

Through Rivers of the Eternal Blackness (Demo 1994)
For Snow Covered the Northland (Full-length 1996)
The Calling (Full-length 1997)
…and the Physical Shape of Light Bled (Full-length 2000)
Cometh Doom, Cometh Death (Full-length 2004)

Ancient Wisdom – ”In the Land of the Crimson Moon”

Dawn (1990-?):

Demo 1 (Demo 1992)
Apparition (Demo 1992)
Promotional Demo (Demo 1993)Dawn
Nær Sólen Gar Niþer For Evogher (Full-length 1994)
The Dark Light / The Eternal Forest (Split 1994)
Sorgh på Svarte Vingar Fløgh (EP 1996)
Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy) (Full-length 1998)
Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy) (Compilation 2004)
The Eternal Forest – Demo Years 91-93 (Compilation 2014)

Dawn – ”Svarter Skiner Solen”

Kaamos (1998-2006):Kaamos

Promo 1999 (Demo 1999)
Kaamos (Single 1999)
Curse of Aeons (Demo 2001)
Kaamos Full-length 2002)
Live in Stockholm 21.03.2003 (Split 2003)
Lucifer Rising (Full-length 2005)
Scales of Leviathan (EP 2007)

Kaamos – ”Corpus Vermis”