
Goottimetalliyhtye Moonspell studioon ensi vuoden puolella

Kirjoittanut Teemu Hakala - 28.8.2018

Portugalilainen goottimetalliyhtye Moonspell aikoo siirtyä studioon ensi vuoden puolella, nauhoittaakseen seuraavan albuminsa. Aiheesta kertoi bändin vokalisti Fernando Ribeiro antamassaan haastattelussa Metal Forces -lehdelle. Ribeiro lupailee suuria uudelle albumille ja kertoo sen ilmestyvän joko ensi vuonna tai vuoden 2020 puolella.

Voit lukea pätkän haastattelusta tästä:

”I’ve already written a lot of lyrics for what’s going to be the forthcoming album of Moonspell, and the other guys are working on some music that I know of. I think that people can expect us to go into the studio in 2019, and probably release an album in 2019, 2020. We want to take our time. We want to make a big album, so absolutely. I think it’s a constant process. That’s what we love to do the most, is write new stuff and discover new stuff, and not to go to the old repertoire and put something together. I think it’s interesting if you like what I like, but our guitar player and our keyboard player may have a different opinion, so that’s why we write music. I think we’re going to write new music, definitely. We’re always doing it, sort of, and I think next year we will be able to release an album. If not next year, then maybe 2020. We’re not in any rush.”

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