Guns N’ Rosesin kitaristi Richard Fortus: ”Paluukiertueen motivaationa ei kenelläkään ollut raha”

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 7.12.2016

Axl Rose Guns N Roses 2016Guns N’ Rosesin kitaristi Richard Fortus on kertonut yhdysvaltalaiselle KSHE -radiokanavalle, että laulaja Axl Rosen sekä kitaristin Slashin motivaationa ei ollut raha yhteisen kiertueen toteuttamiseksi. Guns N’ Rosesin paluun lisäksi jäsenten yhteinen kemia kiinnostaa useita, sillä miehistö ei ole ollut toistensa kanssa tekemisissä pitkään aikaan ennen paluuesiintymisiä.  Radiohaastattelu keskittyikin bändin sisäisen suhteen selvittämiseen ja otteita keskustelusta voi lukea tästä:

”No. Axl has been going on on time for years before [the reunion]. It’s been great. Is [money] the motivating factor for him? Absolutely not. I’ve never seen that guy motivated by money, as long as I’ve known him. Otherwise, this reunion would have happened a long time ago.”

Haastattelija kysyi oliko Slashin kallis avioero kiertueen motiivina Slashin osalta, johon Richard vastasi:

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”I don’t know. Honestly, I don’t think [money] was a motivating factor for anybody, other than the stars just seemed to align. We didn’t have a bass player, we didn’t have a guitar player. Really, that’s how it sort of happened.”

Haastattelija arveli nielikö Axl lopulta ylpeytensä ja otti yhteyttä Slashiin, mutta Richard korjasi olettamuksen:

”No. I think Slash had been trying to get a hold of him for a while. And they sat down, and Axl was, like, ’Okay, let’s just talk it through.’ And they sat down privately, went through their laundry list of issues, and were able to put it behind them, and here we are. And it’s been really great. It’s been incredible, actually.”

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Haastattelun aikana nousi kysymys bändin yhteisestä kommunikoinnista, mikäli bändissä on henkilöitä, jotka eivät puhu toisilleen lavan ulkopuolella.

”No. It’s not like that. Man, we communicate all the time. Between Slash, Duff, Axl and myself, every night there’s texts going back and forth after… once we’re back in our hotel rooms. We hang out, we all travel together on the same plane.”

Richard Fortus kertoi ensimmäisestä fiiliksestä Slashin kanssa:

”I had actually been asked to join Slash’s band a while ago — actually, at a THIN LIZZY show. We were playing a festival and his manager came up to me and said, ’Man, we’d love to steal you.’ And I couldn’t do that to my friend [Axl]. That would be such a slap in the face. [Once we started playing together] we got along great. We clicked really quickly. It was a trial period; we were checking it out: Is this gonna work? Duff and I had played together before. And it really clicked quickly and easily. We have a great rapport. We come from a very similar background, you know, as far as the classic rock and the punk rock stuff.”

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Axl Rosen keikkailusta AC/DC:n kanssa kitaristi kertoi:

”It was incredible. I was absolutely blown away. I flew up to Detroit to see it. It was absolutely devastatingly good. He really killed it. He texted me when [he found out he was going to do the AC/DC gig]… He said, ’Hey, I haven’t told anybody yet, but I’m gonna go audition…’ Well, he didn’t say ’audition.’ [He said] ’I’m gonna go play with AC/DC and see how it goes.’ And I was thinking to myself, ’Man, that’s a tough… I don’t know, man. That’s a tough one.’ And then everybody got back to me that went to the audition and saw it and said he was just amazing. And when I saw it, I was blown away.”

Haastattelija kysyi myös Guns N’ Rosen mahdollisesta uudesta musiikista

”We are messing with ideas every day. I mean, every day we do at least an hour soundcheck, and we’ll play through different ideas, like new ideas, put stuff down on tape. It’s really organic. And it happens… Same in rehearsals — we were always putting down different ideas and gettin stuff together and getting ready for that, yeah.”

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