Gus G. kertoo black metal -rakkaustarinan tuoreella ”Fierce” -kappaleen videollaan

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 11.6.2021

Kreikkalaisesta power metal -yhtye Firewindista tunnettu sekä myöskin Ozzyn soolobändissä soittanut kitaristi Gus G. on julkaissut soolonimensä alla videon ”Fierce” -nimiseen kappaleeseen liittyen. Kitaristi kertoo kappaleestaan lehdistötiedotteessa seuraavaa:

“I came up with the concept of a lonely Rock star who eventually finds true love in the eyes of “Necromantissa” – a girl he previously kept hostage in his dungeon. Music finally unites them and they live happily ever after and even form a Metal band. Nightmare or reality??

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We had tons of fun shooting this, getting in full makeup. I love certain black metal & shock rock aesthetics & wanted to try something different, instead of doing yet another performance video. And I also wanted to make a video with my cats too.

Many thanks to Panagiotis Kountouras for the excellent directing once again, my immortal beloved Anastasia & our cats Marquise and Leon.”

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