Halestorm aloittanut nauhoittamaan tulevaa albumiaan: yhtyeellä valmiina jopa 60 kappaletta levyä varten

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 8.1.2021

Yhdysvaltalainen rockyhtye Halestorm on aloittanut nauhoittamaan seuraavaa albumiaan. Yhtyeen laulaja-kitaristi Lzzy Hale on kertonut tuoreessa Metal Sucksin podcastin haastattelussa bändillä olevan jopa 60 kappaletta albumia varten valmiina, joten niiden rajaaminen levylle lopulta päätyviin kappaleisiin tulee olemaan melkoinen työ. Hale kertoi levyn tämän hetkisestä tilanteesta seuraavaa:

“Well, it makes it harder because you can write 60 songs and narrow it down and then you try to beat it. We started demoing for this record in the middle of our last record cycle when we were still on tour. I was just in our practice room on tour with my amps and I would just force myself to write something every day. So when we finally got to the point where we’re like, ‘Okay! Let’s see what we got,’ we all sit down and we’re like, ‘Alright, that one, that one, okay, that one beats that one.’ It’s like having this thousand-piece puzzle and you dump it out and you’re like, ‘I know it all goes together’ [laughs] but I don’t know what the picture is yet. We’ve been piecing stuff together.

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We actually, just this week, ended up doing this socially distant version of getting into the studio with our producer and so we’ve actually begun recording. So that’s exciting. It was a much needed change of routine. And so we’re just being creative, we’re putting in like 14-hour days [laughs]. We go in and we’re like, ‘Alright, well, it’s almost 11 o’clock, we probably should go home and get some sleep so we can come in and do it all over again.’ But, you know! [laughs]

It’s exciting, we’re working on a new record and I love this new material and I’m super excited. To get to the other side, whenever that may be, until that happens we’re just going to keep trying to do what we got and yeah, come out swingin’!” [laughs]”

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