Halestorm siirtymässä studioon nauhoittamaan kolmatta cover-EP:tään

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 25.6.2016

Halestorm 300x225FaceCulture haastatteli yhdysvaltalaisen hard rock -yhtye Halestormin laulaja-kitaristi Lzzy Halea sekä rumpali Arejay Halea Hollannissa 10.-12.6. järjestetyillä Pinkpop festivaaleilla liittyen yhtyeen tulevaisuuden suunnitelmiin. Kun Arejaylta kysyttiin onko yhtye aloittanut vielä seuraavan albuminsa kirjoittamista, hän vastasi:

”We really haven’t stopped since we released the last record. But the last time we went into the studio, we were just kind of, like, ’Oh, boy. What are we doing?’ It was crunch time. We were kind of stressed out about it. This time, we’re trying to be a little bit more prepared, so when we go in, we have a little bit more of songs to choose from. But, yeah, we’re all individually writing, we’re writing together. We’re trying to just get an idea of where we wanna go, what direction we wanna go.”

Lzzy lisäsi:

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”We’re literally writing every day.”

Hän kertoi seuraavan albumin tyylisuunnasta seuraavaa:

”We’re starting to get a clearer idea [of where it is going]. A couple of months ago, I had no idea what we wanted to do next, and so just kind of writing to write — write everything.”

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Arejay jatkoi:

”We’re about to go in the studio and record another cover EP, and every time we go to do that, we get inspired heavily by the songs that we learn and that we work up. It’s a great way to get an idea of different ways of songwriting. So I think after we do that, I think we’ll have a whole new batch of inspiration. So it’ll be cool.”

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Lzzy paljasti aiemmin tänä vuonna ShawTV:lle antamassaan haastattelussa yhtyeen suunnittelevan kolmannen cover-EP:n julkaisua:

”There’s always plans for those things. We’ve been using them, actually, to experiment with where we’re gonna go next on records. It didn’t start out that way, but the first one that we did, we experimented with a few different tempos of songs. Like, for instance, there’s ’Slave To The Grind’ [SKID ROW] and ’Out Ta Get Me’ [GUNS N’ ROSES], and we had never really experimented with that type of rockiness before. And we all turned to each other, like, ’We need something that sounds like that.’ Out of that came ’Love Bites’. And then we did [’Gold Dust Woman’ from] FLEETWOOD MAC on this last one, and out of that came ’New Modern Love’ for [’Into The Wild Life’]. So it’s kind of a safe way to be, like, ’Okay, let’s cover a song that’s already proven, but really try to discover something new about ourselves and what we enjoy.’ Experiment with different genres — just to throw something weird into the mix and challenge ourselves.”