Halestorm - Tuska 2019.

Halestormin Lzzy Hale kertoo palosta yhtyeen kiertuebussissa: ”Väistimme luodin”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 22.1.2022

Julkaisimme sivustollamme eilen uutisen, jossa kerrottiin yhdysvaltalaisen rock-yhtye Halestormin kohdanneen läheltä piti -tilanteen Massachusettsin Worcesterissa torstai yönä, kun bändin kiertuebussi syttyi yhtäkkiä tuleen.

Bändi ja henkilökunta olivat onneksi hieman aikaisemmin ehtineet kirjautumaan hotelliin, mutta tulipalossa kuitenkin menetettiin bussin lisäksi yhtyeen henkilökohtaisia tavaroita, joita oli jäänyt bussiin sisälle.

Nyt Halestormin laulaja-kitaristi Lzzy Hale on kertonut HardDrive Radion Lou Brutuksen tuoreessa haastattelussa, että yhtye tavallaan väisti luodin koska nopeasti levinneessä tulipalossa olisi pahimmassa tapauksessa saattanut joku jopa menehtyä. Hale kertoi illan tapahtumista seuraavaa:

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”It happened at three a.m. Nobody was in the bus.

”It was a very emotional day yesterday,” she continued. ”All day I’m either crying or I was just laughing hysterically at it all and sometimes a combination of the two. Just because it could have gone so left in many ways. It’s kind of like we dodged a bullet.

”But, man, playing the show last night [at the DCU Center in Worcester, Massachusetts] after all of that happened was amazing. I don’t think I’ve transcended like that on stage in a long time. I think just the idea that maybe one of us would have gotten hurt, maybe somebody would have died, and the fact that we’re all in one piece and together, we literally played that show like it was our last show. And [we’re] just very grateful to have each other and very grateful for music, and just with everybody around us and the audience and all of that. So there’s a silver lining to it all.”

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Kysyttäessä mikä palon aiheutti kertoi Lzzy Hale sen alkaneen ilmeisesti bussin sähköistä. Hän kertoi seuraavaa:

”The investigator said it was something electrical — like in the walls or something. It basically started where mine and Josh’s [Smith, bass] bunk would have been, which is kind of like mid-bunk hall. And it was just crazy ’cause the whole day I kept telling Arejay [Hale, HALESTORM drummer and Lzzy’s brother], ’cause Arejay and I kind of notorious bunk sleepers, even when we have days off — something with hotel rooms, I have trouble sleeping. And for some reason, that day Arejay was, like, ’I’m just gonna do something in the room ’cause I wanna work out.’ And I’m, like, ’You know what? I’m just gonna have a bed to myself’ or whatever.

”And it’s just nuts because our amazing security guy ended up literally busting in with a fire extinguisher from the hotel but could not get back to the bunk hall,” she continued. ”It was just… According to everybody at the fire department, it was 15-foot flames. So everything was charred. I’ve lost a lot of things, which is why I’m actually talking to you on my phone instead of my iPad right now. But we’re just lucky it’s only stuff. It’s just stuff, and we’re all together, which is great.”

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