Halloweenin juhlintaa Cradle Of Filthin tahtiin: Bändi striimaa lokakuussa keikkansa St. Maryn kirkosta

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 29.8.2020

Englantilainen äärimetalliyhtye Cradle Of Filth tarjoaa faneilleen halloweenin tunnelmaa järjestämällä lokakuun 30. päivä virtuaalisen konsertin. Esitys striimataan livenä St. Maryn kirkosta Colchesterista. Lipunmyynti on alkanut bändin sivuilla.

Dani Filth kommentoi, että keikalla juhlistetaan halloweenin lisäksi bändin uuden albumin valmistumista.

“As a band Cradle Of Filth are over-the-moon to be performing again and in such an iconic location close to Dani‘s home county of Suffolk here in England.

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It will be a celebration of not only Halloween and all it’s ghoulish accoutrements, but also of the new Cradle album being completed, a process that helped neutralise the banality of the lockdown, gifting the band with a deadline-free (and thus stress-free) studio session.

And thus helping make the new album the best the band have written, period.

And now, almost a year on from the infamous London Palladium show, Cradle Of Filth are back in (horror) business and planning to raise the roof and rafters of St Mary’s Church with a set so undeniably wicked, that the dead in the nearby cemetery may well join the band onstage for a song or two!

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So, grab your tickets online now; this is going to be a vicious, delicious, certainly mal-nutritious performance showcasing the band’s new keyboardist and backing singer, as well as a slew of graveyard hits both past, present and possibly future.

In short, October 30th 2020 with Cradle Of Filth is going to be the ultimate Nightmare before Halloween!

You have been warned!”

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