Hammerfallilta musiikkivideo uudesta kappaleesta ”One Against The World”
Ruotsalainen pitkän linjan power metal -yhtye Hammerfall on julkaisemassa seuraavaa, ”Dominion”-nimistä albumiaan elokuun 16. päivä Napalm Recordsin kautta. Bändin tulevalta albumilta on nyt julkaistu musiikkivideo tuoreesta singlestä ”One Against The World”. Yhtyeen kitaristi Oscar Dronjak on kuvaillut Loud TV:n haastattelussa tulevaa studioalbumia seuraavasti:
”It’s one of those things where you have time finally to perfect everything. We didn’t really feel that for [2016’s] ’Built To Last’. It was stressed, the songwriting part of it. This time, we really felt ready when we started recording, which I don’t think has ever happened. All the songs were where they should be. We had time to go back and let them mature. That made it easier to record. We are in a place right now as a band where we feel it’s fun. It’s happy, fun, because everything sounds good when we play live.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”I don’t think Hammerfall has ever sounded better live than we do right now. That feeling, that rush translated into the recording. I think that’s what you can hear on it. The songs sound the way they do, they sound, I think they sound perfected, in a way that I don’t think the other albums may have done. It’s an energy that we didn’t have before. We always try to recreate the energy, but it’s difficult to actually do it.”
Katso musiikkivideo tästä:
”Dominion”-albumin kappaleet:
1. Never Forgive, Never Forget
2. Dominion
3. Testify
4. One Against The World
5. (We Make) Sweden Rock
6. Second To One
7. Scars Of A Generation
8. Dead By Dawn
9. Battleworn
10. Bloodline
11. Chain Of Command
12. And Yet I Smile