Hanging Garden julkisti tulevan ”The Garden” -albuminsa tiedot
Kotimainen melodista death metalia soittava Hanging Garden julkisti tietoja tulevasta ”The Garden” -albumistaan, jolla on mukana bändiin paluun tehnyt rumpali Antti Ruokola. Bändin levy ilmestyy maaliskuun 24. päivä Agonia Recordsin kautta, ja sen kansitaiteen on toteuttanut Kalle Pyyhtinen. Julkaisun ovat tuottaneet Jussi Hämäläinen ja Jarno Hänninen, ja masteroinnista sekä miksauksesta vastasi D-studio.
Bändin laulaja Toni Hatakka kertoo levystä seuraavaa:
”After almost two decades of dwelling in the musical and lyrical thematics of despair, loss and melancholy, I had the feeling that our next release could have some room for hope and light as well – of course not forgetting our trademark-ish somber aesthetic. The approach we decided to take was to weave a story of how humanity would still thrive, still find meaning, after the world as we know it has finally met its end.”
”Exploring the rituals, belief systems, connection to nature, finding purpose in just being and surviving were the cornerstones of how The Garden came to be. Another strong theme is that of dreams; since childhood, I’ve had this recurring dream world with a silent feel of stagnation, colossal constructs of rust, the action of journeying to the unknown, and lush nature. This is where I also draw a lot of what ended up on the album. The lyrics written by Riikka also amalgamated into this aesthetic perfectly. Even the name was given to me in a dream. Back in spring, I had a dream where our keyboardist Nino and I had a talk about this being our Magnum Opus and that we should call it The Garden. Such a powerful notion could not be left unheeded, and so the album had its name. The Garden is at the same time familiar and atypical for us. There is a kind of energy in the songs that there wasn’t before, a feel of hope to contrast our old friend the despair, a strong notion of action against the familiar melancholy, or maybe a light amidst the comfortable gloom. But in the end, this is us.”

”The Garden” -albumin kappalelista:
1. The Garden
2. The Four Winds
3. The Construct
4. The Song of Spring
5. The Fire at First Dawn
6. The Nightfall
7. The Stolen Fire
8. The Journey
9. The Derelict Bay
10. The Fireside
11. The Resolute
Artikkelikuva: Kalle Pyyhtinen