Hank Shermann vuoden 2012 Gigantourista: Dave Mustaine ei antanut King Diamondin esiintyä Volbeatin kanssa

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 11.6.2016

davemustainekingdiamondKitaristi Hank Shermann (Mercyful Fate, Denner / Shermann) antoi hiljattain Vita In Musicalle haastatteun, jossa hän kertoo vuoden 2012 Megadethin Dave Mustainen luotsaamasta Gigantour-festivaalista, jolla hän soitti Volbeatin riveissä. Festivaalin saavuttua Mercyful Fate -vokalisti King Diamondin nykyiseen kotikaupunkiin Dallasiin, yhtye halusi pyytää tämän kanssaan lavalle esittämään ”Come to the Sabbath” -kappaleen. Mustaine ei kuitenkaan antanut tähän lupaa kappaleen satanististen lyriikoiden vuoksi. Shermann itse kertoo:

”But, apparently, Dave Mustaine didn’t want King to be onstage and do whatever Satanic lyrics, or whatever that was all about… So, King came to the concert and he was given the… he was told that, ’Hey, King, you’re not allowed’ from Mustaine, for some reason.”

Kiellosta huolimatta Volbeat soitti kappaleen intron King Diamondin laulaessa yleisöstö käsin. Shermann kertoo ihmettelevänsä tapausta:

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”That was pretty funny.”

”What that was all about, I really don’t have a clue. I don’t know if suddenly Mustaine had gotten into God, or, you know, for whatever reason. [Laughs] But that was pretty bizarre, you know, because back in the days, they were very good friends… MEGADETH were touring with [KING] DIAMOND in the ’80s. So there’s [been] a lot of changes in that band [MEGADETH]. But, you know, they’re good guys… and I like them, and they have made some really cool records over time.”

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Mustaine ei suostunut esiintymään 2005 israelilaisilla festivaaleilla kristinuskon vastaisten Dissectionin Rotting Christin kanssa, minkä seurauksena festivaali joutui perumaan kyseisten yhtyeiden esiintymiset. Mustaine kertoi Decibel Magazinelle aiheesta seuraavaa:

”I’ve never believed in singing about Satan and thinking he’s cool, because he’s not.”

”As far as me playing with bands like that, I started thinking, ’You know what, Dave? You’re a headliner. If you don’t wanna play with people that make you uncomfortable, you don’t have to.’ Especially if they’re singing about the confessed enemy of someone you believe in. I mean, what idiot gets onstage with their confessed enemy?’

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Israelilaisen Met Al Metalin 2014 hastattelussa hän kertoo kuitenkin olevan nykyään avoinmielisempi asian suhteen:

”It’s just a personal preference that I had at the time. I’ve learned a lot more now. So if the opportunity came up to play with bands that were contrary to my personal, political, spiritual or any kind of moral values that I have, that’s something between me and my relationship with God. I don’t push that on anybody anymore. At the beginning, I didn’t know and I wanted to play it safe. And I think that anybody who would judge me and say, ’Ah, you know what?! Dave made a huge mistake. He just joined a new club and he didn’t know all the rules, so instead of breaking the rules, he said ’fuck you’ to everybody.’ That’s not me, man. I like to do things right. So I played it safe, I learned a lot about it and I’ve opened my mind up to it.”