Haste The Day hakee rahoitusta tulevaa albumiaan varten

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 17.8.2014

Haste The Day - Haste The Day VS Haste The DayYhdysvaltalainen metalcorea soittava Haste The Day on tekemässä paluuta vuonna 2011 alkaneen tauon jälkeen. Yhtye on nyt värvännyt riveihinsä alkuperäisen vokalistin Jimmy Ryanin lisäksi myös yhtyeessä ennen taukoa laulaneen Stephen Keechin, joten bändillä on nyt kaksi laulajaa uudessa kokoonpanossaan. Yhtye on aloittanut IndieGoGo -kampanjan, jolla hakee 65 000 dollarin rahoitusta seuraavaa albumiaan varten. Lue lisää nähdäksesi video yhtyeen kampanjaan liittyen sekä virallinen tiedote paluusta.

Haste The Day vuosimallia 2014:
Vocals – Stephen Keech
Harsh Vocals – Jimmy Ryan
Guitars/Clean Vocals – Brennan Chaulk
Guitars – David Krysl
Guitars – Scott Whelan
Bass/Vocals – Mike Murphy
Drums – Giuseppe Capolupo

“In May of this year, we celebrated the 10 year anniversary of the release of our first studio album Burning Bridges. Needless to say, the experience brought a lot of memories back for all members of Haste the Day, past and present. After the gig, Stephen (vocals), Mark (long-time friend and manager) and I (Mike) started talking about what it would look like to put out another album. Needless to say, this was a complex decision making process, but something we all wanted to do.

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As is the case with all things in life: if something is worth doing, it’s worth doing right! So we spent a lot of time determining the best way to make our 6th full-length studio album. Who would write, who would perform, how would we involve all members of the band in the project in one way or another?

You see, we are all friends & brothers and so we wanted to give all the guys an opportunity to participate in one way or another. At the same time, we want to make the best album we can, one that would thrill fans of all eras of Haste the Day.

So, here’s the scoop: Stephen, Jimmy, Brennan, Scotty, Mike, Giuseppe will be the core writers for the new album, which has yet to be named. Dave will be providing additional writing input as well as helping with guitars and guitar tone during the recording process. Stephen will be producing the album, which we will record in Nashville, Tennessee.

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In addition, The Burning Bridges era of Haste the Day will also be writing and performing one song for the new album. For those of you not familiar with that album or the lineup that made it, Jimmy, Jason, Mike, Brennan, and Devin will be writing and recording the song for the album.

We have already begun writing the album and we will begin recording the album in January of 2015. Expect lots of video updates along the way. For all of our backers, expect to get glimpses of the new music as we demo the songs and prepare for the recording process.”

Mike Murphy kommentoi yhtyeen päätöstä aloittaa IndieGoGo -kampanja tulevaa albumiaan varten:

“This is not a moneymaking thing. It’s not something we have to do. It’s something we became re-inspired to do. We all caught the itch again. Our passion is pure about it. We really do think we have all the right pieces in place to make the best Haste The Day record. I mean, I don’t know what the album is going to sound like, but I feel like… we don’t know what bringing all these pieces together is going to sound like. We’ve cooked with these ingredients independently of one another. But we’ve never put them all together. We don’t know how it’ll taste, but it’s probably going to be delicious.”

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Yhtye on itse arvioinut tarvitsevansa rahaa seuraaviin asioihin:

“Recording (studios, engineers, gear rental, techs, etc.) : $26,750.00
Mixing: $6,000.00
Mastering: $2,000.00
Transportation: $3,750.00
Lodging: $3,600.00
Cost of Living (food): $2,250.00
Administrative Costs (legal, accounting, etc.): $6,000.00
Indiegogo Fees (estimated): $4,531.50
Incentives (estimated): $10,070.00
Total: $64,951.50″