Hate Eternal vokalisti sairaalaan

Kirjoittanut Teemu Hakala - 30.11.2008

Hate Eternal on joutunut keskeyttämään Pohjois-Amerikan kiertueensa vokalisti Erik Rutanin jouduttua sairaalaan kädessä olevan infektion sekä munuaisongelmien takia. Lue lisää nähdäksesi bändin virallisen viestin aiheesta.

Hate Eternal have been forced to drop off the ongoing Job For a Cowboy North American tour due an infection in Erik Rutan’s hand and complications in his kidney. Erik was admitted to an Iowa City hospital on the early morning of Nov. 23rd and has remained under doctor’s supervision since.The infection has caused concern for the doctors, but the major concern of the doctor’s is, Erik’s kidney. Erik has had a couple of procedures done on his kidney. Erik will not be able to continue the tour, but he is expected to make a full recovery. He is expected to be released sometime next week and then will seek further treatment at home in Florida.

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Hate Eternal would like thank to everyone on the tour for their understanding of the situation. Hate Eternal would also like to thank all the fans who have expressed concern for Erik’s health.