Hatebreed erotti basistinsa Chris Beattien
Elokuussa Hellsinki Metal Festivalissa esiintyvä Hatebreed on erottanut basistinsa Chris Beattien. Beattie kuuluu yhtyeen perustajajäseniin. Beattie kertoo sosiaalisen median julkaisussaan, ettei voi kertoa tilanteesta tarkemmin, mutta hänet erotettiin yhtyeestä 13. marraskuuta. Asia tuli julki vasta nyt Hatebreedin tiedotettua, että basistin virkaa hoitaa toistaiseksi Shadows Fall -kitaristi Matt Bachand.
Hatebreed tiedotti lyhyesti:
For the foreseeable future, bass duties will be handled live by @mattbachandmusic from @shadowsfallband
Beattie tiedotti tilanteesta:
Chris Beattie Official Statement
I just want to take the time to let everyone know that I am doing just fine and I sincerely appreciate everyone who has reached out. I was under the impression a joint announcement would be agreed upon in advance, but since that was not the case I wanted to address your concerns in my own post. At this time I am unable to discuss the specifics surrounding my departure from Hatebreed on November 13, 2024. However, I want to clarify that the decision to leave the band was not mine and that my departure was uncalled for and based on misleading and wrongful statements that will be subject to future actions.
Chris Beattie