Hatunnosto Linkin Parkille: Fever 333 julkaisi oman tulkintansa ”In The End” -kappaleesta

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 29.10.2020

Yhdysvaltalainen, Grammy-ehdokkuudenkin saanut rap rock -yhtye Fever 333 on julkaissut oman tulkintansa Linkin ParkinIn The End” -kappaleesta bändin klassikkoalbumin ”Hybrid Theoryn” merkkivuoden kunniaksi. Voit kuunnella tulkinnan tästä:

Yhtyeen laulaja Jason Aalon Butler on kertonut bändin päätöksestä coveroida kappale seuraavaa:
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”I will never forget that overcast morning in Los Angeles walking from my locker in the F building down the now infamous 11 stair handrail at Westchester High (now of numerous skate vids fame) toward the bungalows that housed my algebra 2 education and being stopped by my only website building homie to tell me of this ‘awesome new band he found called Linkin Park.’ ‘In The End’ was the song that made me believe that rap and rock still belonged together.

I studied their tasteful marriage of the two styles from that moment on and created my own music with that in mind. I wish I could tell my 14-year-old self that one day I’d receive a DM from Mike Shinoda about him liking my music. I wish even more that I could tell my younger self he’d offer to share his talents and energy with me to make more music. I don’t think 14-year-old me would believe it, though. 35-year-old me still doesn’t.”

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