Heavy metal -veteraani Anvil saanut valmiiksi seuraavan albuminsa: ”Odotan innolla albumin julkaisua”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 14.2.2022

Kanadalainen pitkän linjan heavy metal -bändi Anvil on saanut valmiiksi tulevan, järjestyksessään 19. studioalbuminsa. Yhtyeen laulaja-kitaristi Steve ”Lips” Kudlow on paljastanut asian tuoreessa The Metal Voicen haastattelussa ja kertonut tulevasta albumista seuraavaa:

”The new album is completed and mixed and done. What can I say? I can’t wait till it comes out.

”The whole thing is a bit weird and odd because we put out an album and then never got to tour for it. So it’s, like, where is the tour for the last album already? So, what is the last album, just spinning our wheels? What was that? What happened? Now I’m in a position where I’m putting out another album, and I’m gonna have to actually try to push both albums. It’s, like, I don’t know. I’ve never been in a position like that.”

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”And then at the same time, while all this is going on, I got back from [recording in] Germany, of course, in October and have been writing songs since I got back. Because, of course, the last song I wrote was before I left — months before — so I had months of time off, not doing anything. So we started back in on it. We’re at [song] number 10 already — for the next album.”

Anvilin viimeisin albumi ”Legal At Last” ilmestyi vuonna 2020.

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