Heavy metal -yhtye SABER Reigning Phoenix Musicin talliin

Kirjoittanut Niko Kuusela - 15.6.2024

Los Angelesista ponnistava heavy metal -yhtye SABER on julkaisemassa lähitulevaisuudessa uutta albumiaan ”Lost In Flames”. Bändi teki hiljattain levytyssopimuksen Reigning Pheonix Musicin kanssa.

“We are honored and very excited to be signed with RPM! Saber has its eyes set on our music reaching everyone across the globe, so working alongside a label that is home to some of the most talented artists in the world will make that come to fruition. We can’t wait to unveil what we have in store for everyone! Our music will spread like wildfire, and we will watch as the flames spread worldwide!” Bändi

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