Hellfestin promoottorit kieltäytyvät perumasta Downin esiintymisen – Ranskan hallitus vie 20 000€ avustukset
Ranskan Huffington Postin mukaan ranskalaiselta Hellfest-festivaalilta on viety 20 000€ avustukset siitä hyvästä, että promoottorit eivät suostuneet perumaan Downin esiitymistä tapahtumassa. Dimebashin natsikohun jälkeen Senaattori Bruno Retailleau oli pyytänyt, että Downin esiintyminen peruttaisiin laulaja Phil Anselmon harrastaman vihanlietsonnan takia. Hellfestin promoottori Ben Barbaud on kuitenkin sanonut, että hallitus voi pitää tunkkinsa. Hänen mukaansa Retailleau haki vain tekosyytä voidakseen evätä Hellfestin avustusrahat. Hän myös kertoo uskovansa, että Anselmon anteeksipyyntö on vilpitön ja että hän on pohjimmiltaan hyvä ihminen. Barbaudin kommentit kokonaisuudessaan alapuolella.
”Bruno Retailleau wanted to please his electorate and anti-Hellfest who relayed this buzz, which had already toured the metal sites. He expected it, like Laurence Garnier [Chairman of the Committee on culture in the region]. They found a perfect excuse to blow the grant. ”
”Anselmo apologized repeatedly. He even offered to leave the band to do no harm to his comrades, who must also be disgusted with what happens. Everyone agrees that this is unacceptable and that the metal scene is neither racist nor anti-Semitic. I know Phil Anselmo very well, who came many times to Clisson. And I am convinced that his apologies are sincere. Hellfest, we never had this kind of behavior, no one has ever seen or wear distinctive sign or speech, both live and in houses. I deeply believe that he is a good person. He is a provocateur who plays the big guys and loses foot when he’s drunk. He made a huge mistake. But people who make populist shortcuts and say horrors when they have three grams of alcohol, one can find many, including Vendee. ”
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