Kuva: Hillarie Jason

Hellsinki Metal Festivaliin saapuva Massacre sopimukseen Agonia Recordsin kanssa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 8.12.2023

Hellsinki Metal Festivaliin ensi kesänä saapuva pitkän linjan death metal -yhtye Massacre on solminut sopimuksen Agonia Recordsin kanssa. Yhtye työstää parhaillaan viidettä studioalbumiaan, jonka julkaisu tulee tapahtumaan ensi vuoden aikana. Bändin laulaja Kam Lee kommentoi sopimusta Agonia Recordsin kanssa seuraavasti:

“I have to say it’s pretty cool to be signing with Agonia Records. The same label that bands like Pestilence, Rebaelliun, Demonical, Pathology, plus so many other killer Death and Black Metal bands call home. Looking at their roster you can see this is a label that’s dedicated to keeping to the core of pure underground metal bands and acts. In my opinion this is a refreshing reminder that you can remain true to the spirit of underground metal music and not rely on catering to trends in be relevant. This opinion is one that also resonates in my own philosophy about Massacre, one that keeps me on point at keeping the band focused on remaining true to the style and sound that is pure OSDM (old school death metal), and I personally think that Agonia Records is the perfect choice of a label that shall allow Massacre a place to maintain that status. I look forward to the future together, and I am excited for the fans to be able to look forwards to the upcoming new album to be released by the label.”

Massacre 2023:
Kam Lee (ex-Mantas, ex-Death, Bone Gnawer, The Grotesquery) – laulu
Mike Borders – basso
Rogga Johansson (Paganizer, Rib Spreader, Megascavanger) – kitara
Jonny Pettersson (Wombbath, Heads for The Dead) – kitara
Jon Rudin (Just Before Dawn, Heads for The Dead, Dehumanaut) – rummut

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