Hellyeah-kitaristi Tom Maxwell Vinnie Paulin kuolemasta: ”En usko että toivumme siitä koskaan täysin”

Kirjoittanut Janne Ollikainen - 20.8.2020

Yhdysvaltalainen metalliyhtye Hellyeah julkaisi viimeisimmän, ”Welcome Home” -nimisen albuminsa syksyllä 2019. Yhtye viimeisteli albumin yhtyeen rumpali Vinnie Paulin (ex-Pantera) menehtymisen jälkeen. Hellyeah-kitaristi Tom Maxwell kertoi FM99 WNOR -haastattelussa, että viimeinen albumi oli koko bändille todella vaikea tehdä, ja koko yhtye käsittelee vieläkin asiaa. Hän epäilee, etteivät hän ja yhtye toivu Vinnie Paulin kuolemasta koskaan täysin. Tulevaisuuden suhteen Maxwell on epävarma ja vertaakin Vinnie Paulin menettämistä siihen, kuin menettäisi puolisonsa. Maxwell kertoi:

”It was tough. We literally had to suck it up and get in there and just play for him and play for each other and play for the record and play for the fans. They were gonna wanna hear this. We were obligated — it was unwritten. It was something we had to do. And it was tough.

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We’re still devastated about it. It’s not something that we can ever recover from, I don’t think. I think about the future, and, to be honest with you, I don’t know how we are gonna be able to do it. And I’m not trying to take any kind of credit here, but he was my partner writing. Everything that I did bounced off of him, and then he bounced back off to me. And it’s just on a musical level either; it’s more of an emotional level. My love affair for trying to continue without him has been crippled. It’s like losing your wife or your husband or someone who is irreplaceable. It’s, like, how do you do that? I mean, people do — people go on, and they do, but usually they find light at the end of the tunnel through another door. Like with Vince — it was hard for Vince to continue without his brother, but he found light at the end of our door. So we’re kind of faced with that.”

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