Hevirokkia kunnon riffiajolla: Leveragen uusi EP Kaaoszinen ensisoitossa
Leverage, yksi suomalaisen melodisen hard rockin ykkösnyrkeistä julkaisee uuden ”The Devil’s Turn” -nimisen EP:nsä maanantaina 17. päivä syyskuuta Frontiers Music Srl:n kautta. Kaaoszine yhteistyössä yhtyeen kanssa tarjoaa nyt lukijoilleen viikonlopun alkajaisiksi kuunneltavaksi yhtyeen tulevan EP:n kokonaisuudessaan. Voit kuunnella EP:n tästä:
Yhtye on kommentoinut EP:tä seuraavasti:
”We’re excited that it will be now released, it is very much a ’live’ thing, we wanted it to rock and breath, and did not punch, edit, quantize and polish everything as much as I guess often is the ’standard’. The songs are from a few years’ period, two of them (Wheels & Unicorn) dating back to when I started writing with Mikko Salovaara to see what we can come up with. The first demo for Dead Man’s Hand was made already an even longer time ago, but the song was now rearranged to fit what we do now. Skyfall is a newer song, one of the songs that have been written clearly with the ’new Leverage’ in mind. It was like, we took a selection of the bunch of riffs and songs that were written in the years we were quiet, and finished them for the EP. We tried to get some versatility in there, and it covers a pretty wide ground musically.
It’s been a while now already since making the EP, and we’re currently working hard on what we feel will be a killer album, with more mileage in writing and playing together and getting tighter as a band. These past months have been a great time, getting the wheels rolling again. The EP is an early milestone in the direction that Leverage is going into, and it especially introduces Mikko and Kimmo who are great guys and absolutely phenomenal musicians.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyWith the album is the works, it’s been some time that I last last listened through the EP, I did now and was very happy with the energy it has. ”
Kimmo Blom – laulu
Mikko Salovaara – kitara
Tuomas Heikkinen – kitara
Sami Norrbacka – basso
Valtteri Revonkorpi – rummut
Marko Niskala – koskettimet