High On Fire studioon

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 21.12.2011

Yhdysvaltalainen hard rokkia soittava High On Fire on siirtynyt GodCity studioon nauhoittamaan uutta albumiaan, jonka tuottajaksi on valittu Kurt Ballou (Converge). Lue lisää nähdäksesi yhtyeen basistin Jeff Matzin virallinen viesti aiheeseen liittyen.

”We are really stoked about recording this album. The new songs are turning out absolutely punishing; there are some seriously sledgehammer riffs on this one! Working with Kurt has been awesome as well. He’s super easy to work with and is full of good ideas. The sounds that the guy gets are ridiculous and raw as fuck but also clear and HUGE. I think this album will capture the essence of the band really well. It’s still early in the process, but so far it’s sounding amazing.”

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