High On Fire joutui jälleen perumaan kiertueen nokkamies Matt Piken terveyssyihin vedoten
Viime vuoden lopulla stoner-yhtye High on Fire joutui perumaan keikkoja kun nokkamies Matt Pikeltä amputoitiin osa tämän varpaasta. Nyt yhtye on joutunut epäonnekseen perumaan jälleen tulevan kiertueensa samoista syistä. Diabetestä sairastava Pike on vaarassa menettää isovarpaansa ja pahimmassa tapauksessa ison osan jalkaterästään.
Voit lukea miehen virallisen viestin tästä:
“Dear Friends and fans,
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyTo my brothers, my crew, and anyone else this affects. I do apologize for the inconvenience of this cancelation. I feel as though I’m explaining lightning striking twice. I wanted nothing more in the world to play these songs live, nor ever cancel something I say I’m gonna do.”
“I am a warrior for our art, and have endured some painful things to what we do. The timing and repeating nature of this is my nightmare and almost impossible. Nevertheless, to save yet another toe, my big one, I have been grounded by circumstances out of my control. I will have more of a medical report to come but right now I’m at great risk of losing it, and/or a bigger portion of my foot due to Diabetes. Which I have been managing very well.”
“It just shows how this disease can affect our lives. Please forgive me, and if you know anything about me, you know this is not like me. We will be back!”