Historian siipien havinaa – Graveland, Ichor’zine #2, 1998

Kirjoittanut Riku Mäkinen - 28.4.2013

gravelandlogoKaaoszinen ”Historian siipien havinaa” – osiossa julkaistaan legendaarisia haastatteluja vanhoista pienlehdistä, ajoilta jolloin miehet olivat vielä rautaa ja lehdet paperia. Haastattelut on kopioitu sivustolle täysin kirjaimesta kirjaimeen, joten Kaaoszine ei ota vastuuta mahdollisista kielioppi- tai kirjoitusvirheistä.

gravelandThis is one of the most interesting interview in this ’zine, very long and in-depth. Unfortunately I had some problems with Darken’s handwriting. I also had to mention that there are some of my own opinions, very strong against Darken’s opinions, but do not understand this like I am against this band. Still I respect their activities and like their music…

Hail Darken! How are the things going with Graveland right now?

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Heil! In the name of rebirth of pagan Aryan empire! Thank you for the interview. With Graveland everything is ok. Gods take care of us. During autumn 1996 I and Capricornus have recorded our new LP “Following The Voice Of Blood”. This stuff was ready a lot of time ago, but we had some problems with recording it. We walked at the edges… Situation was dangerous because Capricornus was to be prisoned. So we started work and now we are very pleased with it. This third LP Graveland “Following The Voice Of Blood”will be released in spring ’97 by No Colours rec. Now Capricornus starts work on his solo project Thor’s Hammer and I prepare stuff for second LP of my solo folk project Lord Wind.

When I made this interview Graveland’s last release was “Thousand Swords” CD, so I asked Darken’s opinion about this CD… Does he think that it’s the best Graveland release so far?

I liked this album very much, but I was not entirely pleased with the final result. There were some things I wanted to do, but unfortunately I failed, but this LP is penneated by specific atmosphere of barbarian paganism and war. When I created this LP only war and hatred inspired me, retribution and revenge. I created music that extolled heroic acts of our ancestors, music about war and battles, about belief and honour of pagan warrior. This music is very alive and dynamic because I did not record it on computer as many Norwegian bands do it now and so the music is artificial and dead. “Thousand Swords” breathe intensity and spirit of our desires.

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graveland - carpathian wolvesThen we talked with Darken about other Graveland releases: “The Celtic Winter”-MCD and “Carpathian Wolves”-CD…

I hate music from “The Celtic Winter”, this stuff is our big defeat. Some months ago No Colours rec. releases CD version of “The Celtic Winter”, they did it very well. I like the cover very much, but I still do not like this music. Stuff prepared for “Carpathian Wolves” was very good, but we recorded it in a bad studio with bad people so I am not pleased with this LP. In fact I like only intro from “Carpathian Wolves”. I want to record this stuff once more, but I do not have time for it.

And last, but definitely not least we talked about Graveland’s cult demo “In The Glare Of Burning Churches” which is also released now on CD from No Colours records…

I have always liked this demo. This music shows the spirit of our convictions and desires of that time. Darkness and hatred covered our hearts. It is very good that this demo is released on CD. Cover includes excellent photos. I dedicated this CD to all peoples who are still faithful to ideas of true black metal.

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“Thousand Swords” came first from the Lethal rec., but something happened. I asked Darken to tell about this thing a bit more and also to tell his opinion about other rip-offers…

Our co-operation with Lethalfuck rec. was our big mistake. We knew that fucking Michael Piesch was a thief and liar, but we signed a contract and you know what happened later. But this matter is still open. Vienna is not so far away from Wroclaw. This fucking scoundrel will know our hatred soon. In underground there are many shitty rip-offs, poseurs and scums of society. They do not know what honour, dignity and fatherland are. Fuck them all!

Darken told us some time ago that they had some problems with their bassist Karcharoth, so I asked him to tell more…

Karcharoth is a fucking coward. He was afraid of consequences of spreading black metal ideas in Poland. He decided to go away and leave black metal. His schizophrenia helped him with it. He was terrified, his behavior was anomalous. Because of it some people started to be interested in Graveland. When we decided to take control over him and his acts, he escaped to Sweden, but the Swedish police got rid of him. Then he accused Xanpioreth from Fullmoon of trial of murder on his person. Because of it we had some problems, he accused some people from underground of burning churches. Karcharoth thought that this way he would eliminate us. Swedish police getting rid of Karcharoth from Sweden said that Polish Satanists went to Norway and burnt churches. It is very funny (Oh, yes it is – ed.). Karcharoth admitted that he wanted to go to Norway to kill Fenriz (because some time ago Fenriz stole him a CD) and Grishnackh (because he spread N.S. ideas). Today Karcharoth works for the police as an informer. Besides he is member of a communist party.

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A bit more about Graveland’s line-up. I wondered why Capricornus was only session member on “Thousand Swords”?

Capricornus is a session drummer because it suits him. Playing in Graveland is dangerous (…and when you are “only” session member, it isn’t dangerous??? – ed.) now because of all things that take place in Poland. Because of neo-pagan movement and N.S. ideas, many secret services are interested in underground. State Security Bureau (or something like that, could be written wrong as I really can’t clear up Darken’s writing… – ed.) got money from German services and now they make an investigations against all aspects of N.S. etc. So Capricornus is a session drummer because his own will.

More about Capricornus. Sometime ago I read that he had killed his own child…

I don’t know who spread such stories about me and Capricornus (well, it was Capricornus himself who told this in Kill Yourself!!!’zine #3 – ed.). In Poland we have many enemies who wants to destroy us (maybe Capricornus wants to destroy himself – ed.). Ingeniousness of these stories is to its colossal, but we do not care about it. But there are some peoples who know us and know what we can do. If Capricornus had a child he would not kill him, but bring him properly so many people would be afraid this child…

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Well, what kind of persons Darken and Capricornus really are and what kind of people could fit to Graveland?

You know us a bit, you know our music and acts. It can tell you who we are and what we like.

So no answer to the second part of that question, but of course I also have to ask about Darken’s personal beliefs… Does he think that someone could play black metal without being a satanist…

I am a heathen and my private belief is connected with Celtic beliefs. All the time I try to develop my pagan identity by the knowledge about druids and Celtic customs and traditions, developing my spiritual power, celebrating Celtic feast as e.g. Samhain or Betlaim. I live according to Celtic calendar, quarters of lunar period. Black metal was created by people who said that they were Satanists and I think that black metal belongs to them. Unfortunately Satanistic movement is in a crisis situation, symbols and Satanistic values are commercialized. Satanism lost its true face. Today Satanism does not wake so many controversies as some time ago. Its mysticism and mysteriousness are destroyed by fashion created by many children who do not understand it and occupy it for joy.

graveland4Then what Darken thinks about following subjects: Witchcraft, Occultism and Viking mythology? Does he think that black metal and these subjects has something to do with each other?

Today black metal does not have big connections with these things. Sometime ago B.M. was a carrier of these valus. Unfortunately today money is god and many B.M. band have respect only for it. I respect magic and pagan beliefs. I try to have as big knowledge about it as possible.

Then what Darken thinks about satanic organizations and is he member of any? What about nazi organizations?

I am not interested in Satanic movements, but in my country paganism becomes more and more popular among N.S. organizations. We support these people because we support the same ideas (to some degree).

Let’s go back to Graveland… From where Darken finds his inspiration for doing music and in which mood he is when he is doing music?

I realize my destiny, I am the forerunner of the era of rebirth of paganism,rebirth of pagan Aryan empire, stronger because of two thousand years of experiences. Thousand years of Christianity in our pagan Europe failed the trial of the time. Now Christianity, strange to our lands and culture, is collapsing. It did not destroy true beliefs and traditions of our ancestor, our pagan spirit and identify is in our blood, our gods did not leave us, the time of their return is coming, along with them we will take part in a battle, many of us will die, but who will be care about it. It is honour to die (when we will get to the point, we are talking about your music? – ed.) in such a battle, the rest is not important. When dark clouds covers the sky, dark clouds of black crows, the time of final battle will come. Every man takes his sword and shield and go lead by horns sound and nobody will stint his blood.

OK, that’s all about Graveland’s music! But what about lyrics? How much Darken cares about lyrics and I also asked him to tell a bit about story what we can read on “Thousand Swords”…

Lyrics from “Thousand Swords” were inspired by old stories about great acts and battles, about heroes. I have always liked stories and poems about brave deed. I’ve liked their atmosphere permeated by great spiritual power. War is a good theme to write about. In every man this spirit of war is present because gods created man to fight. In me this spirit is very strong. I made an armour and weapon for me. I can imagine people from these poems and feel their feelings. I try to show it in my lyrics and music.

After that I asked about Graveland’s new music… How does it differs from the old material?

After “Following The Voice Of Blood” I am going to record fourth LP Graveland that will be more original and balladic. I buy new instruments that I will use on second LP Lord Wind, but I do not want to write about it now. Wait, you will see soon. Tauron from Fullmoon will help me to prepare stuff for fourth LP Graveland. We will record it in winter ’97-’98.

graveland - following the voice of bloodWell, Graveland’s next release “Following The Voice Of Blood” will be released by No Colours rec. Is Darken totally satisfied with the deal?

I am very pleased with the co-operation with No Colours rec. We started at the same time. I created band and they created No Colours rec. They understand us and do not force anything upon us. Kay ans Steffen visit us in Wroclaw so we know them personally. No Colours rec. is not a commercial label. Big commercial labels stink of Jewish shit. We want to have nothing to common with it. We do not want, because of big money, change our ideas and image, we do not want colour covers…

Darken has also his own label Isengard productions, I asked him to tell a bit more about it… Graveland has also worked with Eternal Devils rec., how things went with them? I also asked what was the reason to release Graveland’s music from Darken’s own label?

I changed the name Isengard for Eastclan. New name is a new face of my label, new destiny. Soon I will release on CD true black metal and pagan metal hordes. I choose bands that spread neo-paganism. I want to support all bands that hate Christianity, but not only superficially as many today’s Norwegian bands (Why the hell you always have to say something about Norwegians? – ed.). Through Eastclan I would like to show the world Polish neo-paganism. I want to release bands from Germany and France and other countries where true spirit of uncompromising black metal is still alive. I have good relations with Eternal Devils. We still support each other.

More about labels… Graveland was planned to release something from Shivadarshana records & also there was some talking between Graveland and Finnish label Demonosound, but something went wrong…

Shivadarshana wanted to release LP with my old stuff “Drunemeton”, but I did not want it to be released as LP because of low quality of recording and realization. Demonosound was to release “The Celtic Winter”, but problems with finances forced them to resign it.

It seems to me that Polish black metal scene is really strong, most of the bands are in very good touch with each other and I also read something about their organization called “Temple Of The Fullmoon”, so I asked from Darken which bands are his favourites from Poland and so on…

Polish black metal scene is not big, but it is united by spreading paganism and N.S. ideas. Gromoweadny, North, Veles, Kohort, Gostynia Kry, Juvenes and particularly I recommend: Fullmoon, Thunderbolt and Wineta. In opposition there are bands that sold themselves for commercial aims: Behemoth, Mastiphal. They spread propaganda against us in shitty commercial magazines, but in fact they are afraid of us. Nergal and Flauros are trouble about their fucking asses because they were kicked several times. “The Temple Of Fullmoon” does not exist because of the problems with the police. Now many people from T.O.T.F. are members of legal neopagan organization as “Social National Union” or “Union Of Native Faith”. So now we have more freedom, but we have to be careful, because secret police are still interested in us, especially in N.S. organizations.

graveland - the celtic winterEven if Polish black metal scene seems to be strong, of course there are some problems and fights between some bands and those bands are Graveland and Behemoth. It is quite strange for me, because Behemoth is ine if the biggest black metal bands from Poland. Darken tells more…

I do not have any problems with Behemoth. It is a pity you unite such things about Behemoth (I haven’t united anything, I just call them as a black metal band because they call their music as black metal. I haven’t told you any my own opinions about Behemoth and I will not tell you either because it is not your fucking business!! – ed.), but you just do not know these peoples (Yes, that’s another reason why I’m not gonna tell you any opinions about them – ed.). If you knew them you would agree with Randal from Absurd who named Behemoth “sunny boys”. It is really strange that you do not see it in their music (Have I really told you some of my opinions about Behemoth? – ed.). They just only copy Norwegian bands as Mayhem, Hades, Enslaved, Emperor, Satyricon. In Behemoth’s music one can only hear work of other people. Besides their music is weak, deprived of darkness and evil, they play for their women I think. But maybe you like such music?? (Fuck you Darken! – ed.) Behemoth is popular among pacifistic antifascist organizations and submen from underground who wants to destroy us. I despise them and I remind you that Behemoth does not represent Polish black metal scene and Nergal, this fucking scoundrel, goes to Norway to look for friend, because in Poland he does not have any. Nergal is not worth of representing Polish black metal scene because he despise it.

It is very strange that Darken is now in some kind of war against Behemoth because sometime ago he played session synths for them. I also asked about his other session achievements in Veles, Fullmoon and Infernum and again I got an interesting answer…

I helped Behemoth and made intros for them when I did not know Nergal well. That time Nergal was keep on all ideas spread on Norway. He created with Blasphemous from Veles an organization “The Temple Of Infernal Fire”. But Nergal resigned it when he met two peoples from Polish black metal underground, two very extreme peoples . Samoth and Leinad from Mysteries Horde to strengthen co-operation against Christianity. Nergal understood that was not a joy, he was frightened and started breaking all ties with underground. So the war between us began. Fullmoon and Veles are faithful to B.M. underground. They are very strong, impulsive and psychopathic. But when they had problems with the police they were very hard. But unfortunately their style does not let them record music…

I have also heard some very stupid anti-Graveland and anti-Poland opinions like: You can’t play black metal in Poland, because Poland is not a northern country etc. Let’s see what Darken has to say…

It is a rubbish spread by envious and arrogant peoples from Norway (Well, this really wasn’t from any Norwegian people. I am still very pissed off why you always have to mention Norway in all of your answers… – ed.). In Poland there are some good bands and some bad ones. But in my country system does not help us as in Norway. In Norway after primary school teenagers have well educated musical skills and then mothers and fathers buy for their sweet children very expensive music equipments and now a very good boy can play and create music. Norway is a very rich country. In Poland situation is different. We have to work for everything. In Polish social economical conditions many Norwegians would just perish.

But how would Darken compare Polish B.M. scene to Finnish one? I also knew that he is not a biggest fan of Impaled Nazarene…

You must be kidding! Impaled Nazarene has fans! Maybe only perverse shit eaters! Unfortunately I do not know today’s scene from Finland. I know only Darkwoods My Betrothed, but I do not like their music.

I read from Fullmoon’s demo that they hate American people and U.S.A., why is that?

Fullmoon wanted to demonstrate their bias against American system, not to inhabitans who are just slaves on this system. In my country more and more people din’t like United States ‘cos of Americanization of our native culture and other points of life. Rich Jews from U.S.A. come to Poland and demand the return of their properties. And besides they hate Polish people because Poles during second world war co-operated with Germany in extermination of Jewish race. The effect: On night from 24-25th of February someone set fir on their synagogue in Hanar (Sorry, I can’t clear up Darken’s handwriting so that name of the place might be wrong. –ed.). I despise American pseudo culture and its values.

Back to Graveland… Graveland is also using pseudonyms like millions of other black metal bands too. Are these names really important?

These names were important for us some time ago, but now the situation has changed. I named myself Darken because I thought this name suited me, showed my true identity and I think that it is true because a lot of darkness is in my soul and heart.

graveland3What about Graveland photos… Some time ago there was warpaints etc., but now the style has changed? Are photos important to Graveland and Darken?

I like these photos very much because I would like to look like in an everyday as on these pictures. To live somewhere, far away from the people, hunt and fight against my enemies (Against who would you fight if you lived somewhere far away from other people? – ed.). To live according to old pagan traditions. Now I do not use warpaints on my face because I do not need it. Hatred and darkness left mark on my face. I do not have to paint my face to add hatred and severity. I changed the style of my photos to show that I am not a Satanist, but pagan because today black metal is associated with Satanism. Although Capricornus is a Satanist, Graveland should not be connected with this movement.

So far Graveland haven’t done any gigs and I also read that they don’t want to do gigs, but now the situation has changed…

I think that soon we will start to play alive. Tauron and Diathyron from Fullmoon will help us in it, We want to play and meet with peoples and manifest our ideas. We want to talk these peoples and teach them how to be strong, how to fight. We want to spread paganism and meet peoples who support us.

In the past Darken was the only member of Graveland. I asked him to tell more about those days and why he decided to took more members? I also wanted to know all releases from those days…

I needed true drums to develop my music so Capricornus joined me, drums from computer were too artificial. Fucking scoundrel Karcharoth joined us because I thought that his mental disease would make Graveland cult band (What a smart reason! – ed.). Unfortunately we lost control over him and he had to leave us. It somehow reminds me problems of Euronymous and Grishnackh (only murder lacks… -ed.). Graveland created some stuff: Demo I – Necromanteion, Promo June ’92, Promo November – Drunemeton, Demo 2’93 – In The Glare Of Burning Churches,, Demo 3’93 and mini-CD The Celtic Winter, Debut CD/LP – Carpathian Wolves, Second LP – Thousand Swords and now third LP/CD – Following The Voice Of Blood.

I almost forgot to ask about Darken’s second band, Lord Wind. All necessary comes now…

Lord Wind and Graveland represents two different, but somehow united sides of my individuality. Graveland is about pagan war, retribution and hatred. Lord Wind is full of longevity for all things that went away, full of respect for pagan beliefs and traditions of our ancestors, there are hope and faith in this music. Music of Lord Wind is inspired by old compositions created by bands and troubadours. I name this music pagan folk. Lord Wind is to teach people how to find their pagan identity because pagan spirit sleeps in every of us, strange religion did not destroy it during these two thousand years. Lord Wind is to wake up white peoples and show them the true way…

It’s almost time to stop this interview, but before it I asked very usual question… What black metal means to Darken? Is it his lifestyle or just music what he likes to listen and play?

Music is for me style of living, black metal is a part of this style. It helped me to develop and realize my aims. Now I look for values and spiritual power. I can find it in old music. Black metal cannot help me here. These values can be found in my music, in Graveland and Lord Wind. So my music is very original and some people cannot understand it. But hatred to this spiritless world is the main inspiration to my music. Graveland is my weapon to fight against enemies of my faith, freedom and life.

To the very end Darken tells us future plans of Graveland and why “Following The Voice Of Blood” will be the best Graveland release and also three good reasons why everyone should buy it.

I am not sure if everyone will like “Following The Voice Of Blood” because this LP differs from any other today’s music. On this LP I wanted to create sound similar to Venom from “At War With Satan”. Do I pass or fail? You will hear… Three reason for which you have to listen this LP: very dynamic sound, original melodies, specific atmosphere.

So, the last words are all Darken’s…

I would like to thank you for this interview and support. Hard days for Graveland have come. We are only two: I and Capricornus. Although slanders of left wimp opposition and betrayal of man who was with us, we will never give up, we still are faithful to our ideas. The police make an absurdal investigation against us so we have to be very careful and we are grateful for every support. Gods take care of us because we win for Pagan Aryan Empire! We have common ideas and common problems. So unite and help one another. Be careful and fight! Soon we will meet on the final battle… Win for Pagan Aryan Empire!