Hollantilaista kuolemaa iltaan: Sisters Of Suffocation julkaisi ”Humans Are Broken” -kappaleen musiikkivideon kera
Hollantilainen death metal -yhtye Sisters Of Suffocation julkaisee maaliskuun 1. päivä ”Humans Are Broken” -albuminsa Napalm Recordsin kautta. Bändi tarjoilee esimakua tulevasta levystä ja julkaisi levyn nimikkokappaleen musiikkivideon kera.
Tuoreesta videosta Sisters of Suffocation kommentoi:
”We are very excited to present to you all: The official video for our new single Humans Are Broken! This song is representative of our new album (also entitled Humans Are Broken) in many ways, the mix of brutality, melody and different genres music-wise, and the engagement with issues in contemporary society lyric-wise. The video functions as a visual counterpart to our reflection on who we are as humans, how we interact with each other and our place in this world. We are very happy with how this video turned out and hope you guys enjoy watching it as much as we did making it.”
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