Hopesfall tekee paluun: Studioon tammikuussa 2017
Vuonna 2008 lopettanut yhdysvaltalainen post-hardcore/screamo -yhtye Hopesfall on tekemässä paluuta. Bändi on allekirjoittanut sopimuksen Equal Vision Recordsin alaisuudessa toimivan Graphic Nature Recordsin kanssa. Yhtye aikoo siirtyä studioon tammikuussa 2017 nauhoittaakseen uuden albumin tuottaja Mike Wattsin (Glassjaw, As Cities Burn) johdolla. Uusi albumi on jatkoa vuoden 2007 menestyslevylle ”Magnetic North”.
”We are super grateful to Graphic Nature/EVR for giving us an opportunity to make some music. We’ve always been EVR fans, they signed a lot of bands that were huge influences on us. In addition to that, a lot of our friends in bands who have worked with EVR had nothing but high praise for them, so their reputation as being quality people made it a pretty easy decision. The motivation for making this new album comes from a genuine desire to remain creative by continuing to write and play music together again. We won’t lie, between having jobs, relationships, kids, and other responsibilities, it can be tough to make time to play, but as long as we feel like we still have something good to offer, we will find a balance.”
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