Horror Dance Squad julkaisi kolmannen singlen tulevalta albumiltaan
Virolainen metalcore-yhtye Horror Dance Squad julkaisi kolmannen sinkun tulevalta ”All I See Is Black” -albumiltaan. ”Everglow” -kappale syntyi Bruce Greyson M.D.:n kirjan ”After” inspiroimana. Siinä käsitellään kuolemanrajakokemuksia useiden eri uskontojen, henkisyyden ja etnisyyksien näkökulmasta. Kappaleella yhtye ottaa askeleen lähemmäs areenarockia.
Laulaja Ian Karell kertoo:
“According to the research, the stereotype of ‘walking into the light’ is indeed what the majority of those who have a near-death experience go through. When we were first writing the vocals to this song, Karl recorded a good bit of what ended up in the final version, including the hook ‘into the everglow.’ I read the book at the same time as we were working on the final lyrics, and I instantly knew what I wanted to this song to be about.”
Rumpali Henri Kuusk kommentoi:
“Instrumentally, ”Everglow” represents the gentler side of Horror Dance Squad. We knew we wanted this album to be diverse and reflective of all our band has to offer. In essence, we started with the aim of writing a poppier song, and then turned it up a few notches.”
Laulaja Karl Mesipuu lisää:
“No matter what you think you have achieved in this life, materialistic or spiritual, we all end up the same way, returning to the dust we came from. ‘Everglow’ is a song about letting go of the need to fill our lives with material things, and focusing on what really matters.”
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