Hour of Penance julkaisi ensimmäisen singlen tulevalta albumiltaan: kuuntele ”Flames of Merciless Gods” lyriikkavideoineen

Kirjoittanut Salla Hiltunen - 9.9.2019

Italialainen death metal -yhtye Hour of Penance on julkaissut ensimmäisen singlen tulevalta albumiltaan ”Misotheism”, joka julkaistaan 25. lokakuuta Agonia Recordsin kautta. Uusi kappale ”Flames of Merciless Gods” sai seurakseen myös lyriikkavideon, joka on katsottavissa alla.

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”’Flames of Merciless Gods’ is a song about a new empire built on the illuministic values of reason and equality, who wages war against the wealthy ones hidden in their ivory towers, worshipping their only god: Money. They are the ’bastard race’, because they have no fatherland and no motherland: their loyalty stands to no one but themselves. Their way of life is a blasphemy to everyone who is exploited by the inequalities created by their greed and is starving because of that. They are so afraid to atone for their crimes that they choose to commit mass suicide rather than face justice.”

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