Iced Earth kitaristi kommentoi Century Media Recordsin toimia haastaa ihmisiä oikeuteen Yhdysvalloissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 20.9.2012

Yhdysvaltalaisen Iced Earthin kitaristi Jon Schaffer on kommentoinut Century Media Recordsin hiljattaista päätöstä haastaa Yhdysvalloissa oikeuteen jopa yli 7000 ihmistä heidän jaettuaan luvattomasti sekä Lacuna Coilin, että Iced Earthin musiikkia. Lue lisää nähdäksesi John Schafferin viesti asiaan liittyen.

“It has come to my attention that Century Media is suing fans over illegal downloads of (among others) our latest album ‘Dystopia’. I felt it was important to clarify that we had no knowledge of this motion and were, sadly, not asked permission.

We all know the music industry is changing. We have been adapting to this model by embracing legal streaming services such as Spotify and by bringing our music to places we have never played before by touring our proverbial asses off.

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As much as we respect that the labels are having a harder time selling music, we feel this is a misguided effort and want to make sure our fans know we would have not given our consent would we have been asked.”