Ikäviä uutisia Pretty Maidsin ystäville: laulaja Ronnie Atkinsin syöpä uusiutunut ja levinnyt neljänteen vaiheeseen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 19.10.2020

Julkaisimme sivustollamme iloisen uutisen tämän vuoden helmikuussa, kun kerroimme tanskalaisen raskasta rockia soittavan Pretty Maidsin laulajan, Ronnie Atkinsin nujertaneen keuhkosyövän. Nyt laulajalla on valitettavan huonoja uutisia kerrottavanaan, sillä Atkins on julkaissut Facebookissa viestin, jonka mukaan syöpä on palannut ja levinnyt jo vaiheeseen neljä, mikä tarkoittaa, että häntä ei enää pystytä parantamaan. Voit lukea Ronnien viestin aiheesta tästä:

”As promised a little while ago here’s an update on my health situation.

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I’m not gonna go into details, but just state that unfortunately I’m still battling cancer!

After some pain issues and following a scan just before Easter this year I was told that the cancer had spread and I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, which in principle means incurable!

Now there were two paths I could go by! I could sit down in a corner and feel pity for myself (which I guess I did for a while) or I could try to carry on living and do what I do best and I chose the latter. So with great back up from my family and true friends I decided to keep on writing and recording, plus the fact that I had a lot of ideas/songs that I wanted to get out of my system.

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So that’s what I’ve been doing on/off for the last couple of months. That eventually means that some new music is coming from me in the immediate future, but more details on that later.

All that said, I must state that I feel good these days and have for a while. I still get treatments, mainly immune therapy. I have some permanent pain issues and other sequelaes that I have to deal with! And mentally, I have my good days and my bad days, so be it ! But I feel that I’m in good hands with the doctors and staff who’s treating me, so everything considered I’m in good spirits! It is what it is and I can’t change that whatsoever, so I simply aim to get the best out of life.

Finally another huuuuge thank to all of you out there who have been rooting for me and cheering me up through this process ! Means a lot to me.”

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