In Flames julkaisee uuden ”Foregone” -albuminsa helmikuussa: Uusi raskas kappale ”Foregone Pt. 1” kuunneltavissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 15.9.2022

Ruotsalainen metallimusiikin jättiläinen In Flames on julkaisemassa seuraavan ”Foregone” -nimisen albuminsa helmikuun 10. päivä Nuclear Blast Recordsin kautta. Yhtyeen laulaja Anders Fridén kertoo albumista seuraavaa:

”Going into the Foregone sessions, we wanted to make a record that was heavily guitar-driven, and that had a strong foundation between the bass and drums. We still approached our songwriting the same way, as we always have, as a juxtaposition between melody and aggression. That’s the DNA of our music. From the lyrical end of things, there was no shortage of inspiration to draw from, especially the concept of time.”

”Humanity as a whole was forced to slow down and take breather. In that break, many of us spent time evaluating and reprioritizing. Time is a constant, but what do we do with it and how we perceive it varies. Especially now looking at where the world seems to be headed faster than ever before.”

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”It’s crazy that after everything we are still here and on our fourteenth album. I feel that we’ve found a great balance between the past, the present and the future with Forgone. This is a new era of In Flames!”


1. The Beginning Of All Things That Will End
2. State Of Slow Decay
3. Meet Your Maker
4. Bleeding Out
5. Foregone Pt. 1
6. Foregone Pt. 2
7. Pure Light Of Mind
8. The Great Deceiver
9. In The Dark
10. A Dialogue in b Flat Minor
11. Cynosure
12. End The Transmission

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Voit kuunnella albumilta kolmannen singlen nimeltä ”Foregone Pt. 1” tästä: