In Flamesin entinen kitaristi kamppailee masennusta ja alkoholismia vastaan

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 27.8.2015

The Resistance 2015Ruotsalaisen metallin lippulaivasta In Flamesista vuonna 2010 alkoholismin sekä masennuksen seurauksena lähtenyt kitaristi Jesper Strömblad on jälleen ajautunut ongelmiin samojen asioiden takia. Nykyisin The Resistance -nimisessä metalliyhtyeessä mm. The Hauntedin vokalistin Marco Aron kanssa soittava Jesper on julkaissut omalla Facebook -sivullaan seuraavanlaisen viestin liittyen omaan tilanteeseensa:

”Fans and friends, I decided it was time for me to write something about the current situation with me.

”As you noticed, I’ve been pretty inactive with the band and with updating my site, etc. Want to explain a little why.

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”I am battling severe depression and anxiety problems, and have done for over 20 years now. My problem, at least 5/10 times, [has been] to take the easy way out. I’ve been drinking, and threw back what ever I get my hands on, just to numb my constant pain both in my broken soul and body.

”I’m on a great program now that will take me back to the person I once was, and [am] very positive about it, so don’t doubt I will be back — obviously, with my family in THE RESISTANCE, finishing my solo album and other projects. But I have to get well first; that’s my No. 1 priority. But I pick up the axe every day and I find it more and more exciting to play again!

”I want to give my apologies for people that came from far to see the real lineup with THE RESISTANCE this summer, and I haven’t be able to do it. I’m really sorry about that. But be sure I [will] be back with a vengeance!

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”I will fight my demons ’till the day I die, and I will play ’till the day I day die….

”I do everything in my power to get better. And I’m on the right path.

”See you on stage somewhere soon, and my soloalbum will be in [your] ears soon.

”This takes time, but I will FIGHT!

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”I would be so glad if you have you guys behind me! Love ya all. May the force be with you!!!!!

”Love and respect to the death.”