Ingested karanteenitunnelmissa – uusi musiikkivideo kappaleelle ”Dead Seraphic Forms” katsottavissa

Englantilainen death metal -yhtye Ingested on julkaissut uuden musiikkivideon kappaleelle ”Dead Seraphic Forms”, joka on lohkaistu yhtyeen elokuussa ilmestyvältä albumilta ”Where Only Gods May Tread”. Kyseessä on varsin persoonallinen, karanteenia vastaavissa olosuhteissa kasattu video, jota yhtyeen rumpali Lyn Jeffs kuvailee näin:
”So, here is our second single ’Dead Seraphic Forms’ from our upcoming album ’Where Only Gods May Tread’. We’ve put together a lockdown music video and brought a load of our good friends for the ride, and we want you involved too! All you have to do is name as many people as you can in the video in the video comments below, then like this post and share it on social media! We will pick a winner at random from the people who name the most correct cameos and they will WIN A PRE ORDER BUNDLE FOR THE NEW ALBUM! So what are you waiting for?! Watch the video and get on this competition!! Big love and STAY SAFE X”
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