Internal Affairs lopettaa (2002-2008)

Kirjoittanut Teemu Hakala - 9.9.2008

Kalifornialainen hardcore yhtye Internal Affairs on päättänyt lopettaa uransa. Bändin viimeiseksi albumiksi jäi viime vuonna julkaistu ”Deadly Visions”. Lue lisää nähdäksesi bändin virallisen viestin aiheesta.

”6 years, 17 countries, and countless shows… The road for Internal Affairs is coming to an end. This band has been so amazing for the 5 of us, and we are so thankful for everyone who has been apart of it. We have met some of the most incredible friends from around the world thanks to I.A. We have decided to call it quits. No need for a long ridiculous explanation other than we feel it is time to move on. Thanks for your support over the years. Special thanks to: Malfunction Records, Triumvir, Resist Records, Deathwish Inc., Not Just Words Records, 530 Records, Avocado Booking, Crime Scene Merch, Icon Screen Printing, TDT Screen Printing, Untied Print & Press, Tim Oswald, LAHC and everyone who has toured with us, fed us, or provided us a place to stay.”

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