Invidian jäsenistössä muutoksia: yhtyeen laulaja Travis Johnson jättää yhtyeen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 16.5.2017

Entisistä ja nykyisistä Five Finger Death Punchin ja Skinlabin jäsenistä koostuva Invidia on joutunut vaihtamaan laulajaa. Yhtyeessä laulanut Travis Johnson on päättänyt jättää yhtyeen keskittyäkseen pääbändiinsä In This Momenttiin ja hänen tilalleen bändin uudeksi laulajaksi on valittu Evan Seidlitz (Thrown into Exile). Invidia on tarjonnut aiheesta virallisen tiedotteen ja voit lukea sen tästä:

”We respect Travis’s choice to honor his commitment to IN THIS MOMENT but it left us in a tough spot. It’s hard for us as well — Travis is family and is part of the INVIDIA story.

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”We are beyond happy that Evan was interested and fits in so well in the INVIDIA camp. He’s a guy we all know well and the band as well as the fans are in great hands.

”We sincerely hope you will all welcome Evan to the fold like we have and come see us on tour this summer!”

Travis Johnson on kommentoinut vaikeaa päätöstään seuraavasti:

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”It was a really tough choice for me to step back from fronting INVIDIA. I love singing and am so proud of ’As the Sun Sleeps’. INVIDIA is family to me. I mean, I just can’t be in two places at the same time and I had to honor my commitment to IN THIS MOMENT.

”I can’t imagine a better fit than Evan. It was actually a suggestion I had brought up to the band.

”I truly hope all of the IN THIS MOMENT fans who have supported INVIDIA welcome him to the band.

”It’s a tough one knowing someone else is singing my tunes but I can’t see myself holding INVIDIA back.”

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Yhtyeen uusi laulaja Evan Seidlitz on kommentoinut bändiin liittymistä seuraavasti:

”When Matt Snell called me up and asked me to join INVIDIA full-time, I didn’t have to think very long about it before I said, ’Yeah, let’s do it.’ I knew I could no longer keep a commitment with VYCES.

”The guys in VYCES as well as Travis have been nothing but supportive in my decision.

”Travis did a wonderful job on the album vocally and I look forward to singing these songs every night on tour.”

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