“The dispute concerns the song Life’s Shadow, a song originally written in the early 1970s, credited to Robert Barton and Brian Ingham, and recorded by the band Beckett.
Iron Maiden jättää ”Hallowed Be Thy Name” -klassikon pois settilistastaan oikeuskiistan vuoksi
Brittiläinen metallilegenda Iron Maiden on jättänyt ”Hallowed Be Thy Name” -klassikkokappaleen pois settilistastaan oikeuskiistan vuoksi. Jo eläköitynyt entinen rockyhtyeiden manageri Barry McKay on haastamassa yhtyeen basisti Steve Harrisin ja kitaristi Dave Murrayn oikeuteen siitä hyvästä, että biisi muistuttaa vahvasti Brian Inghamin kappaletta ”Lying in my Shadow”. McKay kertoo:
”There was no need for Iron Maiden to withdraw the song from their set. But if they wish to do the right thing, they are welcome to contact either myself or my lawyers and reach a simple agreement to perform “Hallowed Be Thy Name”.
”I have never wanted to stop fans hearing their favourite Maiden song.”
Iron Maiden reagoi tähän jättämällä jo vuonna 1982 ilmestyneeltä ”The Number of the Beast” -levyltä löytyvän kappaleen pois settilistastaan ja bändi onkin kommentoinut aihetta seuraavasti:
“As previously announced for the current second leg of the Book of Souls tour a couple of changes to the set list were due to be made. The first was including a different track from the new album and having been made aware of a legal claim, the second change was to replace Hallowed Be Thy Name.”
Bändin kanssa työskentelevä Phantom Management lisää:
“Steve Harris was a fan of Beckett and some six lines from Life’s Shadow were referenced in Steve’s song, Hallowed Be Thy Name.
“As far as Steve is concerned, this matter was settled some years ago by agreement with Robert Barton. Any evidence presented by Mr McKay will be looked at very closely and a Defence at court will be submitted in due course.”
McKay on vastannut tähän seuraavasti:
”Hallowed be Thy Name isn’t just an Iron Maiden song. It’s the song that has defined the band.”
“Hallowed is heavily influenced by ”Life’s Shadow”.”
Yhtyeen managerit kommentoivat:
”There now appears to be a dispute between the two original writers as to their respective shares in Life’s Shadow. Further, an individual called Barry McKay in taking this action now claims to publish Robert Barton’s interest in Life’s Shadow, despite so far being unable to come up with a publishing agreement and showing little or no evidence in his claim of any interest in Mr Barton’s songs in approximately 40 years.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”Mr McKay also states that he entered into a publishing agreement with Brian Quinn (aka Ingham) on 29 March 2017, two days before the claim was served. Mr Barton maintains he was the writer of the lyrics of Life’s Shadow and recently said: ’I wrote the lyrics of Life’s Shadow and am happy with how Iron Maiden have, and are, dealing with this matter.'”