Iron Maiden lykkää tulevat keikkansa Australiassa sekä Uudessa-Seelannissa koronaviruksen vuoksi

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 20.3.2020

Englantilainen heavy metal -legenda Iron Maiden on päättänyt lykätä toukokuulle kaavaillun kiertueensa Australiassa sekä Uudessa-Seelannissa myöhemmin ilmoitettavaan ajankohtaan koronaviruksen vuoksi. Yhtyeen manageri Rob Smallwood on julkaissut aiheesta virallisen tiedotteen, ja voit lukea sen tästä:

”Aussie and Kiwi Troopers, we are hugely disappointed not to be seeing our fans in Australia and New Zealand in May due to the understandable government concert bans surrounding coronavirus. Sadly, these are difficult and uncertain times for us all.

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We still intend to bring this great ’Legacy Of The Beast’ show to you all as soon we can and I promise we will do everything we can to achieve this with our promoters and subject to what is happening around us globally.

And to our brilliant fans everywhere… We also appreciate that fans with tickets to shows in some of the other countries on our extensive 2020 tour will be anxious for news and updates. You can be sure we will keep you immediately updated here with any other changes, by country, that could become necessary as soon as we hear of them from the official government channels.

Thank you for your patience and for bearing with us. We hope to see you all!

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Take care of yourselves, be safe and be smart.”