Iron Maidenilta vielä ainakin yksi albumi
Iron Maidenin vokalisti Bruce Dickinson on kertonut hiljattain antamassaan haastattelussa Daily Starille, että yhtye aikoo nauhoittaa vielä ainakin yhden albumin. Lue lisää nähdäksesi pieni viesti aiheeseen liittyen.
”We try to keep things on an even keel. Being English, we still have some reserve when we’re communicating ideas to each other.
”[In the old days] we’d have a stand-up knock-down fight about anything. But we know each other better now and people do mellow.”
He added, ”[When it’s time to write an album] we go off on our own, scribble ideas into our notebooks and come back to throw everything into the melting pot.
”We know the boundaries of what we can do musically.
”We’re not the kind of band who could say, ’Hey, let’s do an album with Kanye West,’ because that wouldn’t interest MAIDEN fans at all.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”Things have been going a bit more prog-rock on our recent albums and the fans seem to love that.”