Iron Maidenin basisti Steve Harrisin luotsaaman British Lionin toinen albumi valmis: uusi albumi luvassa ensi vuonna
Englantilaisen heavy metal -legenda Iron Maidenin basisti Steve Harrisin luotsaama British Lion on saanu valmiiksi tulevan albuminsa nauhoitukset. Harris on paljastanut asian tuoreessa The Metal Voicen haastattelussa ja kertonut yhtyeen julkaisevan albumin ensi vuoden aikana heti, kun suunnitelmat Iron Maidenin osalta ovat selvillä. Albumin materiaalista Harris kertoi seuraavaa:
”The band has evolved over the last five or six years live — we’ve played quite a lot of shows in Europe and stuff — so it’s become more of a tighter band. I think we’ve found our direction is naturally evolving, and if anything, I think it’s getting heavier than it was, really. It’s very melodic. The songs are… I don’t know… There’s still kind of a UFO, THIN LIZZY type of influence, I think, in a lot of them, [and] there are influences too, but in general, I think we are getting just a little bit harder-edged, really. These days, I suppose there are some bands that make even MAIDEN sound like THE MOODY BLUES — there’s some real, real heavy bands out there — so what I think is heavy and what other people think is ’getting heavier’ is two [completely different things]. But we feel we’re a bit harder-edged than we were. So it is a bit of a slight directional change, possibly. But it’s been a natural thing; it’s not something we consciously thought, ’Oh, we’ve gotta go this way.’ It’s just been the way we’re playing our live shows — it’s very powerful, much more powerful live than on record, I think. And I think with the second record, we’ve tried to capture that essence of what we are live more.”
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