Iron Maidenin Bruce Dickinson ei näe yhtyeen lopettavan toimintaansa lähitulevaisuudessa: ”Tulemme kuolemaan lavalle”
Englantilainen heavy metal -legenda Iron Maiden ei ole lopettamassa uraansa lähitulevaisuuden aikana. Yhtyeen laulajan Bruce Dickinsonin hiljattain Full Metal Jackielle antaman haastattelun mukaan yhtye ei ole keskustellut uran lopettamisesta ja hän epäileekin että bändi tulee kaatumaan ns. saappaat jalassa keikkalavoille. Dickinson kertoi aiheesta seuraavaa:
”We’re not planning to retire at all, really. I think we’ll probably drop dead onstage. I can think of worse places to drop dead. But no, we’re not planning on retiring. We’re all still firing away [with] loads of energy and loads of enthusiasm, so I can’t wait to get back together [with the other guys to start rehearsing for the upcoming tour].
”With respect to our fans, we’ve got generations of fans now. Even at [my] spoken-word shows, I can crack jokes about the age of the audience only because half the audience is, like, my age, but the other half of the audience is often way, way younger. So it’s brilliant. We’ve got this whole intergenerational thing going. And, obviously, at the MAIDEN shows, it’s even bigger, the emphasis on that. And huge numbers of women. It’s fantastic. ’Cause it always used to be cliché, back when I was starting in the early ’80s, that heavy metal was just, like, misogynist, male-dominated stuff… But no, it’s not true. There’s loads and loads of heavy metal fans who are girls.”
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