Iron Maidenin Bruce Dicksinson: ”Fanit tulevat todella yllättymään ’Legacy Of The Beast’ -kiertueen settilistasta”
Englantilainen heavy metal -legenda Iron Maiden on käynnistämässä ”Legacy Of The Beast” -nimellä kulkevaa seuraavaa maailmankiertuettaan. Yhtyeen tuleva kiertue on saanut inspiraatiota yhtyeen julkaisemasta ”Legacy Of The Beast” -mobiilipelistä. Yhtyeen laulaja Bruce Dickinson on kertonut tuoreessa Kerrang!in haastattelussa haluavansa yllättää fanit tulevalla kiertueella sisällyttämällä settilistaan myös erikoisia kappalevalintoja kiertueen erilaisen teeman lisäksi. Tulevasta kiertueesta Bruce on paljastanut seuraavaa:
”When you do a show like we’re planning to do, I want it to be really slick, but awesome. I want people to go, ’Wow! Fucking hell, you’ve gotta see this show!’ I want people to be surprised as well. I want them to go home going, ’Fucking hell, I can’t believe they played that song!’ That’s the reaction I want.”
”When you do an album tour, it’s more… you can take time to be a bit goofy with people and for them to digest it and what have you,” he continued. ”On ’The Book Of Souls’ tour, there was quite a lot of chatting with the audience. I’m not planning that on this tour because we’ve got so much to do and there’s so much going on. The show and the music is gonna carry the whole bloody thing. I’m pretty intimately involved in the show. There’ll be a couple of moments of chat with the audience, but it should be completely self-explanatory what’s going on — the drama should be in the transitions of the stage and the music. And we’re playing one or two things that people are gonna be really surprised by. There’ll be social media madness after the first show.”
Bruce Dickinson on kertonut Iron Maidenin suunnitelleen kiertuetta jo pitkään:
”And I’m already walking through it in my mind and going, ’Where can I input those moments of meaning? To shift people’s perceptions?’ It’s like ’Climb Like A Monkey’ — where’s that? That came from seeing someone at the front doing it, and it just became this massive thing! It’s a laugh, why not?”
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