Iron Maidenin entisen vokalistin Paul Di’Annon kuolinsyy selvisi
Viime kuussa 66-vuotiaana menehtyneen Paul Di’Annon kuolinsyy on varmistunut ruumiinavauksessa. Entisen Iron Maiden -vokalistin perhe on antanut luvan kuolinsyyn julkaisuun. Syyksi kerrotaan aortan vuotaminen ja veren kertyminen repeämän kautta sydänpussiin, mikä johti sydämen pysähtymiseen. Kuoleman kerrotaan olleen välitön ja toivottavasti kivuton.
Tiedotteessa kerrotaan:
Dear fans and friends
We have received permission from Paul’s family to bring you the news of Paul’s cause of death, after the results of the autopsy have been received. His sisters Cheryl and Michelle confirmed the following: ”Basically he had a tear in the sac around the heart and blood has filled inside it from the main aorta artery and that has caused the heart to stop.” Paul’s death was instantaneous and hopefully painless. May he rest in peace.Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyThis weekend, an In Memoriam show was held at Underworld Camden, where many of Paul’s fans, friends, colleagues and family members came. With a magnificent musical set, his musical colleagues said a worthy farewell to their friend.