Iron Maidenin manageri ”The Book Of Souls” -kiertueesta: ”Tämä on show jota ei kannata missata”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 9.6.2016

IRON MAIDEN FRANKFURT 12th June 2013 by JOHN McMURTRIEEnglantilainen heavy metallin legenda Iron Maiden saapuu Suomeen kesäkuussa esiintyen Hämeenlinnan Kantolan tapahtumapuistossa keskiviikkona 29. päivä kesäkuuta. Yhtyeen manageri Rod Smallwood on antanut hiljattain kiertueeseen liittyen haastattelun, jossa on kehoittanut kaikkia faneja tulemaan bändiä katsomaan. Kyseessä on kuulemma sellainenkin show, jota ei todellakaan kannata missata. Voit lukea Smallwoodin viestin Iron Maidenin maailmankiertueesta tästä:

”The show is truly spectacular and the band are on top form so everything is going just great so far. Well over half a million fans have already seen the show and reactions and reviews everywhere have been phenomenal.

”This is not a rock show anyone should miss. Because we have the space on Ed Force One, we are able to bring to the fans everywhere the same full stadium and arena show we would put on in London or L.A., including Eddie in his latest guises. At 10 feet tall, he certainly makes his presence felt on the stage, as anyone coming to the show will see for themselves!

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”High points to date have to include the two concerts in China, which clearly demonstrated the similarities of fans all around the planet. They knew every word and, even more amazingly, the Ministry of Culture allowed us to present our entire show with only a couple of very minor alterations, which I don’t think anyone expected would happen to this degree. We thought maybe Bruce ripping Eddie’s heart out on stage may pose an issue to them, but no, not at all. And the fans were terrific.

”The stadium shows around South and Central America and Mexico were as spectacularly vibrant as always, as were the two sold-out shows at the L.A. Forum. In New Zealand many of us caught some local culture — rugby! — and right across Australasia the fans were as passionate as ever. Add a couple of terrific shows in Tokyo and our first visit to South Africa in 21 years for two concerts, and it all adds up to a very special tour experience for everybody; fans, band and crew alike.

”We really have had a blast with our fans and expect that to continue at Download in front of our home fans and then across the rest of Europe. Make sure you don’t miss this!!”

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