Iron Maidenin Nicko McBrain: ”Tämän takia tuplabasarit eivät ole minua varten”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 16.4.2016

Iron Maiden Nicko McBrain 2016Englantilaisen heavy metalin legendan Iron Maidenin rumpali Nicko McBrain on antanut tammikuussa järjestetyn Namm -messun yhteydessä haastattelun Madcap Music Review:lle, jossa Nicko McBrainilta on kysytty miksi hän ei käytä tuplabasaria koskaan. Nicko McBrain on haastattelussa kertonut tottuneensa nuorena käyttämään yhtä pedaalia joten hänellä ei ole koskaan ollut tarvetta tuplabasarin käyttöön. Voit lukea Nicko McBrainin ajatuksia aiheen tiimoilta tästä:

”People like [Keith Moon]… Well, Mooney had two bass drums, but he very rarely played on that side. I don’t think he ever had a pedal on it. [John] Bonham… Ringo [Starr]… When I was growing up, learning and being enticed into the music of that genre, that decade… Yeah, Ed Shaughnessy was a a double-bass [player], Louie Bellson, of course, and then the great Ginger Baker. But at that time, I was a CREAM fan, but I wasn’t a fan of Ginger’s. It was weird. It’s only later in life [that] I realized how really good Ginger Baker is… And then, of course, Cozy Powell came along a little later, and Tommy Aldridge, and in the late ’70s, you’d see more of these double-bass-drum players. But I kind of grew up and learned with one, and I found it hard enough… I mean, I’ve always said the analogy, it’s bad enough trying to use one pedal. Why compound it with two? But, in fact, it’s the reverse: when you have two pedals, certain patterns are easier.

I don’t know… It’s just… Why change it? You know, in late ’75, when I joined Pat Travers, he asked me to use a big drum set; he wanted me to play a double-bass drum kit. I said, ’I will get a big kit, but I’m not playing two bass drums.’

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I see these guys like Dave Lombardo [SLAYER], and then you look at people like Thomas Lang; he’s phenomenal. Aquiles Priester [ANGRA, PRIMAL FEAR]… you know, these wonderful double-bass players. I couldn’t get into that. I mean, I would if I sat down probably for a year or two and practiced every day for eleven hours.

Horse for courses. Whatever rocks your boat.”

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