Iron Maidenin vokalisti välttelee sosiaalisten medioiden käyttämistä
Englantilainen heavy metallin legenda Iron Maiden julkaisi eilen paljon kehuja saaneen ”The Book Of Souls” -nimisen albuminsa. Yhtyeen vokalisti Bruce Dickinson on antanut albumin tiimoilta haastattelun, jossa paljastaa välttelevänsä Twitterin sekä Facebookin käyttöä. Brucen mukaan hän ei ole suostunut luomaan tiliä kumpaankaan palveluun ja mies on tyytyväinen, kun Iron Maidenilla on omat ihmiset niiden hoitamiseen. Voit lukea Bruce Dickinsonin mietteitä sosiaalisista medioista tästä:
”I understand that in this day and age everybody has to have a big social media presence, and you have to look after your social media, and blah blah blah — okay, that’s great,” he said. ”We’ve got a great team and they just look after the social media. I just completely ignore it. It’s as if I live in another world, devoid of Twitter, devoid of Facebook, devoid of all the bullshit that gets talked about by all of these people. I just live in my own little head world. That’s what makes the records. So I have no idea what’s going on on Twitter, and I couldn’t care less.”
”I guess [the Internet] is a great way for the metal community to interact and to relate without having to tolerate being servile toward the mainstream media,” he said. ”From that point of view, our own community and the whole thing works brilliantly for us. People can just get involved in the portal and talk amongst themselves. So for us, it means that as a band, we just don’t get involved with it because our audience involves themselves. We just put music out there and let them run with it. They can have their own opinions. They’re gonna make their own statements. They’re gonna create their own communities and their own worlds. We put the music out there and we let people run with it. That’s what it should be like, really.”