Islanderin tuoreella musiikkivideolla esiintyy showpainija Sting

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 12.12.2020

Yhdysvaltalainen rock-yhtye  julkaisi uuden ”Crazy Crazy World” -kappaleen musiikkivideon kera. Videolla vierailee myös showpainija Sting.

Islanderin laulaja Mikey Carvajal kertoi, että ”Crazy Cracy World” -singleen on helppo samaistua. Hän kirjoitti sen masennuksen hetkellä, mutta itse biisi kertoo nykymaailman tilasta. Vuosi on ollut raskas kaikille, joten bändi halusi tarjota vastakohtaisesti jotain kaunista. Islanderin seuraava albumi on bändin raskain julkaisu, joten se halusi kääntää tällä kappaleella tunnelmaa. Showpainija Sting on Carvajalin lempipainija ja muusikko on työskennellyt miehen kanssa aiemminkin.

“‘Crazy Crazy World‘ is a song that everyone can relate to in one way or another. I wrote the lyrics when I was struggling with depression, but it really is an anthem for the times we are all in right now. It’s not a heavy song musically, but this whole year has been heavy enough for everyone. We wanted to contrast the heaviness with something beautiful and relatable, especially considering no one can mosh or stage dive or anything that comes along with being an aggressive band right now. Since this next record is easily the heaviest album we’ve done to date, we wanted to switch it up.

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The visual for this song stars the wrestling legend, Sting. He is my favorite wrestler of all time, and he’s one of the coolest people I’ve ever had the honor to know or work with. In the wrestling business, when you help someone’s career, it’s known as ‘putting someone over.’ So I really can’t thank Sting enough for putting us over. It definitely feels like Islander has finally made it to main event with this track.”

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