Islantilainen black metal -yhtye Auðn julkaisemassa kolmannen albuminsa lokakuun lopussa: uusi kappale ”’Ljóstýra” kuunneltavissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 16.9.2020
Kuva: Daria Endresen

Islantilainen black metal -yhtye Auðn on julkaisemassa uransa kolmannen albumin nimeltä ”Vökudraumsins fangi” lokakuun 30. päivä Season of Mist Recordsin kautta. Yhtyeen tulevalta albumilta on nyt julkaistu ensimmäisenä kappaleena biisi nimeltä ”’Ljóstýra”, ja voit kuunnella sen tästä:

Yhtye on kertonut kappaleesta lehdistötiedotteessa seuraavaa:

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”’Ljóstýra’, meaning ’Faint light’ is a metaphor for loneliness and the never ending jaded grind our world is spiralling towards, we hope for brighter days that never seem to materialize. Set in a frozen waste (Auðn) a shimmer of light flickers in the distance in an old house This faint light represents the hope of change, that the seasons will return and this perpetual darkness and cold will cease. As the years go by you grow bitter and cold like the world you are forced to inhabit, the feeling that the world will get brighter ever fading into memory. When darkness falls and all hope seems gone the faint candle light brings solace and for a brief moment the world feels bright again.This is ’Ljóstýra’”

1. Einn um alla tíð (08:15)
2. Eldborg (04:08)
3. Birtan hugann brennir (05:33)
4. Verður von að bráð (05:50)
5. Drepsótt (03:16)
6. Næðir um (05:03)
7. Horfin mér (06:42)
8. Á himin stara (03:47)
9. Ljóstýra (05:54)
10. Vökudraumsins fangi (06:43)

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Bändi on kommentoinut albumiaan lehdistötiedotteessa seuraavasti:

”We are thrilled to announce our new album ’Vökudraumsins fangi’ which will be released through Season of Mist this autumn. After the release of ’Farvegir fyrndar’ we found ourselves wanting to expand our horizons and try new directions with our music. Adding a new member to the fold we entered uncharted territory for Auðn. We further explored themes we have wanted to chart for some time. More aggression, more melody and with the help of Jens Bogren we achieved soundscapes that echo the vast desolation that is Auðn today.”

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