Ivan Moody ratkennut juomaan jälleen: yhtye jatkaa Euroopan-kiertuettaan tuuraavan laulajan turvin

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 15.6.2017

Yhdysvaltalainen metalliyhtye Five Finger Death Punch on julkaissut virallisen tiedotteen tämän hetkiseen tilanteeseensa liittyen. Yhtyeen laulaja Ivan Moody on ratkennut jälleen juomaan ja tämän seurauksena hän on päättänyt jättää yhtyeen hakeutuakseen jälleen hoitoon taistelussaan alkoholismia vastaan. Yhtye aikoo kuitenkin soittaa sovitut keikkansa Euroopassa tuuraavan laulajan Tommy Vextin (Bad Wolves) kanssa. Ivan Moody on kommentoinut aihetta seuraavasti:

“I am embarrassed and ashamed to admit that I have fallen off the wagon again. I was on shaky ground prior to our performance in Tilburg, and although a lot of the events of that show were out of my control, the shame of not delivering pushed me over the edge. It would not be fair to my bandmates or my fans to continue to perform in my current condition. One of the worst parts of addiction is the loneliness you feel, so having the support of my band and all the knuckleheads is what drives me. I am committed to getting better so I can get back out on stage as soon as possible.”

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Bändin kitaristi Zoltan Bathory on kommentoinut aihetta seuraavasti:

“As a band, we are committed to supporting Ivan’s road to recovery. We are as baffled and saddened as anyone to watch our brother continue to struggle. Almost everyone in the world knows someone who struggles with addiction, and can relate to how the self-destruction of someone they care about is very difficult to watch. Five Finger Death Punch has every intention of playing the dates we’re committed to and beyond. The band is bigger than any one member.”

Bad Wolvesissa nykyään laulava Tommy Vext on kommentoinut liittymistään bändiin Ivanin korvaajaksi seuraavasti:

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“It is a tremendous honor to share the stage with Five Finger Death Punch on these remaining dates. Today I am blessed with over 8 years of sobriety, so I can certainly empathize with Ivan’s struggles. Not only do I feel a responsibility to deliver for the fans of Five Finger Death Punch on these remaining dates, but also to deliver for Ivan so he can get back to work as soon as he is healthy.”